
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Gun laws Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Gun laws - Essay ExampleSpecifically, the events of the Aurora, Colorado theater shooting alongside the Sandy pride Elementary School massacre have galvanized public opinion on both sides of the issue. As such, this sketch analysis pass on attempt to consider the debate from the perspective of the pro- heavy weapon control movement. In such a way, it will be the express goal of this author to relate to the reader some of the around puissant arguments in favor of only electric ray control and the rationale behind these. As such, it is the authors hope that the reader will gain a more nuanced and complete understanding of the main arguments for further bomber control by an analysis of the following 4 arguments the Second Amendment does non, nor did it ever, provide for individual ordnance store proficients, the high rate of flatulency related violence and death, as well as the societal ineluctably for reasonable gun control laws, and whether or not further testing should be put in place for those individuals that have a propensity to instability. Finally, an examination of an even more vehement argument with regards to gun control will be entertained and discussed. The first, and perhaps most contentious of the issues that this analysis will seek to discuss, is the issue of whether or not the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution sought to convey individual gun rights to the citizen. ... In such a way, the Second Amendment can and should be interpreted as little more than admission from the Federal government that it promises not to infringe upon the rights of the militias (National Guard and Army Reserves) to maintain a standard of weaponry for the purpose of defense and securing the borders of the new nation. This particular argument hinges upon interpretation of the Constitution one of the most contested documents within the political spectrum (Saenz 1). However, from a rhetorically honest standpoint, the text of the bill specifies specifically what it denotes i.e. the right of the states and by extension the militias under their control to retain weapons. In short, such argument is valid however, it cannot be used to effectively engage those members of the pro-gun persuasion due to the fact that they have almost invariably chosen to interpret the document by a wholly different standard (Trotter 26). The second argument which will be utilized within this brief analysis is the fact the extraordinarily high rate of gun crime and the increasingly gruesome nature that it has taken within the past several years demands stricter gun laws. There have always been cases of extreme violence, even massacres, within American society however, the fact of the field is that almost all of these hideous crimes have a single factor in common the far-flung and pervasive use of semi-automatic weapons, readily obtained by individuals who can easily be described as unstable, as well as the implementation and usage of high capaci ty magazines (Shear 1). Whether or not guns should be allowed is not the central issue that is up for debate rather, the issue at hand is the ease and availability that is one-sidedly shared by almost all of the purveyors

Monday, April 29, 2019

Leigh steel Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leigh brand - Case Study ExampleStandard costing assumes that profitability is linear and increase in labor volumes should increase profitability. This costing method only gets the difference of the selling price and the total expenses.There is an assumption that the overheads are attributable to products forms the main bases of this model. alphabet focuses on the cost of the activities that are involved in doing of a product while in ToC costs are associated to the limiting factors that affect the optimization of profits. ToC takes into thoughtfulness that all limiting factors can be redefined further. ToC is concerned with the time-value for funds. It restricts costs to limitations of value of each constraint. These constraints identification is the more or less crucial part of this theory. The fact is emphasized by the fact the fifth stage of is a sequel of refinement of the constraints. It is important that in further refinement the existing constraints do not become cu rrent constraints. If the previous constraints is considered then the cost may attract double cost. Edward states Throughput was defined as quantity of money as profit are maximized by maximizing throughput per unit.Assignment of cost in ABC is made by assigning cost to the various activities, this model assumes that only the activities of production contributes to the cost of the product. This assumptions does not take into reflexion the cost of decision making in the company. Decision making on when to put forward a product and the product mix based on the volume or expected get is a key part of ToC. Lehighs decision-making is put into consideration when using ToC in evaluating the cost of parentage valuation. Standard Costing takes into consideration only the pounds weight of the product to calculate its cost. There is no consideration on the cost of decision-making.Is there a cost incurred due to demand. Standard Costing at Lehigh,

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Develop a group proposal for a group of children who have been abused Essay

Develop a conference device for a group of small fryren who have been abused - Essay ExampleAbused children keep mostly to themselves. They persist from a egotism imposed isolation which is directly connected to depression. (James, 2001) The majority of abused children blame themselves, gum olibanum resulting in poor self-image combined with trust issues. (James, 2001)Indeed, left alone, these poor children face a lifetime of self abuse and shame. (James, 2001) Accordingly, in the hopes of assisting these victims into a life of acceptance and social assimilation, this paper proposes group counselor. Group counselor-at-law will provide providing essential and effective relationship rehabilitation with these victims, and with peers who suffer with similar issues. (James, 2001) This group counselling requires group mentors who can devote themselves to these children, having effective skills and with the ability to show positive productivity. These group members are located toge ther in a way so that together their team effectiveness will be high. Accordingly, the process begins with the recruiting of group members. (James, 2001)According to William James view A therapeutic relationship with these abuse children is the group principal(prenominal) goal (James, 2001). The group goal is to establish a safe environment for the children in which these children feel promiscuous to discuss their issues, feel risk free and can enhance their personality. The objective is to empower the children and to augment their grit of self. The group is allowed to enhance their personality in way that they can start their life with positive opinion and having enough courage and power to start their life. The group will end when it is felt that they have achieved the objectives for which the group was organized. (James, 2001)Setting up the groupScreeningGroup screening involves the recruitment of members according to their age, physical sizing and gender to provide a most ba lance group for the abuse children. The group screening generally depends on the following issues 1. Either the child is abused recently or it happened few days forward2. Either the child is highly disturbed with the event or not3. Either the child has in effect(p) psychiatric disturbance or not like he might commit suicide 4. Is the child abuse more than one timeAll these issues must be taken in story while screening process. These all issues inform you that what case of balanced group you should adopt for group counselling. resurrect of Legal Guardian ConsentThe consent of parent and guardian is taken in different ship canal either the earn is send to them or we will meet them physically to get their permission. Usually the letter format is send to these papers showing a detail about this group counselling. Their objectives as what type of relation they will show and what type of after affects will incur. The detail of whole process and move will be provided to the parents or guardian so that they can understand the major objectives of this group counse

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Case Study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Case Study - Assignment Example outstanding budgeting decisions fundamentally places strong emphasis on time value of money. In this regard, net present value method is very effective as it takes in consideration discounting of the inflow. The NPV of find out Alpha was primed(p) to be 36,700 while that of get wind beta was determined to be 29,340. Both NPVs are positive but project Alpha has higher NPV, hence the truehearted should accept project Alpha.Accounting rate of return has been measured by establishing proportionate relationship amid average accounting income and average investment for a specific period. The ARR of project Alpha was determined to be 29.39% while that of project Beta was determined to be 1.62%. The reason for low ARR in project Beta is significant investment in new purchases in the third year. Based on ARR, project alpha should be accepted. Additionally, payback period is least for project Alpha and based on the argument that a project with quicker retu rns should be accepted, project Alpha is better investment that Project Beta. Nonetheless, the overall sagaciousness favours project Alpha over project Beta. Therefore, Project Alpha is a better investment (Froot and Stein, 1998).Capital budgeting decisions can be evaluated using discounted and non-discounted techniques the discounted techniques comprise NPV and IRR method while non-discounted techniques include ARR and Payback period.NPV is referred to the difference amidst initial investment in a project and the discounted future net cash flows from the project. The NPV of a project ranges among positive, oppose or breakeven (equivalent to zero). The first criterion for accepting a project is positive NPV as negative NPV indicates unfeasible project while zero indicates breakeven. The second criterion for accepting or rejecting a project is that an investment with highest NPV will be accepted. Discounting cash flows using a discounting factor, which

Friday, April 26, 2019

Employee view and personnel of Nike Company Essay

Employee view and personnel of Nike Company - Essay instanceNike is not the beast that it is projected as, because similar situations exist in other footwear and garment units. They direct a system of rewarding their regular employees. After experimenting with cash and travel vouchers, Nike feels employees should be able to sucker the rewards that appeal to them (Lynne, 1997). Hence it now offers Virgin vouchers which include range of activities from flights to luxurious holidays and participants can focus on awards that appeal to their own aspirations. Nike offers its employees five weeks off with full salary and benefits to overleap the way they want (Browning, 2003). This helps the employees to spend time with their families or rethink career goals. Though this program was started in 1994, Nike is not sure how numerous employees have used it. In US Nike workers are given incentives such as Nike Bucks if they will walk, run, bike, glide or car pool to work while no such incen tives are available in Asia (Boje, 1998). Workers in Oregon work in campus like facility, receive top benefits and time off for deflexion and sports (Boje, 2001). They have employed about a thousand expatriates who travel the globe to ensure that code of manners and other norms are adhered to at each of their manufacturing units. There are about 600,000 subcontract workers, mostly women amongst 16 and 22, who provide the resistance to Nike corporate power and subcontractor practices. Nike considers its applicants as both customers and employees. It is able to attract the outdo and brightest employees.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Legalization of medicinal marijuana Research Paper

Legalization of medicinal ganja - Research Paper ExampleRecent inclusion leave behind go to be New York. Over the years pro medicinal hemp people has struggled that it groundwork be effective and helpful for different deadly diseases like cancer, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, pain, epilepsy and glaucoma. In support of their blood line those protagonists of medicinal marijuana has come up with lots of medicinal studies done by prominent music companies and major Government reports. It is often being noticed that lots of patients with chronic diseases dont answer that much well in terms conventional treatments. They besides used different histories of using marijuana as medicine around the world (Morgan, 201-206).This argument faced lots of opposition from different segment of the American society. People are opposing precise hard against this argument. Antagonists of these arguments are saying that marijuana is very dangerous for using medicinal purposes. It would make people a dditive about this dangerous habit. They also argue that already there are lots of legal drugs are present in the market. There is no reason for inclusion of marijuana into the lists of medicine. Anti people of this thought also argued that legalization of medicinal marijuana can give indulgence to harder and deadlier drugs. According to them Medicinal marijuana would destroy the in build immune system of human being. It can damage brain cells and can be problematic for lungs. People also argued that a particular group is trying to legalize medicinal use of marijuana only for pleasure purposes and there may be an unholy nexus of drug mafias.Medical marijuana is legal in 21 states of the USA. It is being noticed that maximum doctors across the USA still do not put medicinal marijuana. Survey of WebMD has shown that almost 69% of the doctors and 52% of patients has supported different benefits of Marijuana. This report also preserve that 37% of patient is not confident about differ ent benefits from

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Economic Analysis-India Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Economic Analysis-India - Essay ExampleSecurity is champion factor that affects trade and business across the world. India, world a democracy with a stable government activity and political system, has an environment suitable for conducting every kind of legal business the fashion industry being no exception. Nationals in this country therefore retain the right of choice and are not limit from selling or wearing any type, kind or brand of decent clothing. Further, the countrys security is generally above board with cases of insecurity both in towns and rural areas remaining importantly low. This stable condition has seen businesses across the country actively grow with economic factors of demand and supply playacting significant roles in trade.India is known to be a major elicitr and exporter of agricultural products including jute, sheep, goats, sugarcane, potatoes oilseed, cotton, tea, rice, water buffalo, domestic fowl fish, cattle, and wheat. The country further thrives on handicrafts, and numerous modern service and production industries which provide income to the mass of workings citizens. Also, economically, the country ranks fifth by purchasing power and twelfth by exchange rate compared to the fill-in of the world. This being the condition, it is notable that food as a basic need is quite affordable to the majority of Indias nationals and the cost of living is generally low. As a result, most citizens are able to purchase part of their income to purchase decent clothing for themselves.Energy is a major factor that affects business. India has the capacity to produce enough electricity and oil products for export. In fact, Indias electricity sector and infrastructural industries have always see reasonable growth which significantly impacts trade in all sectors of the economy. This means could be taken to connote that the energy needed for

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Interpretive exercise Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Interpretive exercise - appellative ExampleThere are several different ways that the article is translated. It burn be translated importation get or bountyas when some whiz prays, etc. prettify can be an formula of thankswhether for benefits, services, or estimations. Grace can also mean some type of recompense or reward for having done a very good job. Another way in which leniency could be used would be to talk about the actual token or proof or benefit that grace provides. Of course, grace could also mean the spiritual condition in which one finds oneself where one is manoeuver by the power of divine grace. Grace can also mean those things which are they themselves due to grace having been part of their lives. Grace is also sack outn as an exercising of the Christian virtues. Grace keeps one. Grace streng hences one. Grace is supposed to increase us in the Christian faith grace is supposed to undergird our fellowship and inform our affections, kindling us to do good wo rks. Of course, in this passage to the Ephesians, Paul is making an incitation that we not only take the grace that has been bestowed upon us by Christ, but this is a call to legal action helping everyone realize that we are not to take that grace for granted as Christians. Grace affords us joy. It gives us harming moments and moments of delight, sweetness, loveliness, and of course charm. The way Christians act should be undergirded by graceful speech, with goodwill, lovingkindness, and a favor that we can extend to others by simply making a pathway to lead a compassionate life, thankful for all that we have and all that we are and all that we do. Matching Up Meanings and Translations The question could then be raised, Does the authors argument in the book suggest a meaning?2 For, living the Christian life is not just about being a poser manifestation that one loves Jesus. Because, ultimately, it is not merely enough to declare that one has been absolved of all sins and then g o out and do whatever one wants. One must live a life that is pleasing to God in any and all aspects of our lives. Next we had to match up these meanings and translations with the Scripture verses in which separately appears. It was quite extensive, but basically we saw the same pattern reoccurring over and over again. It has been said that mercifulness is not getting something you deserve, while grace is getting something that you dont deserve. Its important to know the difference. As has been aforementioned, there are a great wide variety of meanings that have come to be associated with what grace isas well as what grace is not. By faith are ye saved by grace is one of the calling cards of the New Testament in Ephesians 28a, from the King mob Version. Grace comes from the Greek root charis, and lends itself to the word charity, which does not just mean handouts being given to a bum out on the streetbut charis is also the root word for charity, which also can mean love. Colossia ns 316 in the King James Version also states, Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.3 In this case, grace most definitely appears to mean love. But, as it may come as no move that Paul also wrote this Letter to the Colossians, he is definitely

HRM INCIDENT 1 - Should He Be Fired Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

HRM INCIDENT 1 - Should He Be Fired - Case Study ExampleThere are certain situations that an employer needs critically to evaluate before deciding whether to fire or discipline an employee (Paetkau, 2007). Firing an employee means that an employee has to leave his or her job, while disciplining might mean suspending the employee with or without pay or resorting to corrective action based on the offence.Toni Berdit, area supervisor for Quick-Stop, a chain of convenience stores in Washington D.C was on his normal supervisory duty on one of the Sundays in the Center Street Store. According to the companys policy, when the strong is being emptied, the manager has to be present, and the employee present has to place each $ 1000 in a embrown bag and leave it on the floor next to the safe until the manager checks to be sure that the number is accurate. That day Bill decided to save the supervisors time, as he was not in that respect when the safe was being emptied so he had counted the property before he arrived. The store got busy, and Bill by luck mistook one of the moneybags for a bag that contained the customers groceries while packing, so he put the money in with the groceries. The supervisor arrived later on, and after noticing the money was missing, they began searching. Lucky enough the customer came back and hand the bag of money. Bill had violated the money-counting procedure, so he was prior to losing his job. He complained to Toni how this would have a good-for-naught impact on his family and even promised to be the best store manager they could ever get in case hes not fired. Toni then called his boss and after his approval, Bill was not fired.I agree with Tonis decision of not firing Bill. This is because although the companys policy was to terminate anyone who violated the procedure, it happened once and for the first time. Firing employees is not healthy for an organization because if Bill were fired, the company would have been pressure to

Monday, April 22, 2019

Traditonal Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Traditonal Theories - Essay ExampleThe classical criminologists on the other hand, argued that abominable behavior was as a result of rationalism thereby refuting claims of possession by evil pot likker (Barak et al. 95). Criminals thus pursue personal interests by committing crimes. Since criminals are rational, committing crime is a free will. According to Barak et al (95), criminals commit crimes to maximize their pleasure and minimize their pain. Crimes were punished through legal reforms which are musket ball and rational in nature. The positivist discipline of thought argue that criminals are forced to act by factors beyond their control such as biological, psychological and sociological factors thus refuting rationalism as a driver of criminality (Barak et al. 95). The criminals are seen as portraying abnormal behavior and thus punishment is aimed at congealing the behavior to conform to the norms of society. They are thus given reform treatment and social intervention. T he last school of thought emphasizes on inequality as the diver of criminal activities. They thus commit crime to correct the inequalities. Such crimes include activities such as financial manipulations and robbery. Such conditions are corrected through candid distribution of resources (96). White-Collar and Organized Crime The traditional theories can be applied to white-collar crimes and organised crimes.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Age Discrimination And Its Impact On Career Building Case Study

days Discrimination And Its Impact On Career Building - Case Study ExampleJack taxation decided to sue the company in an effort to prove that it was age discrimination acting as the rationale for why he had been shifted in the company and his job responsibilities slowly taken away and presumptuousness to younger staff members.The courts found enough evidence to favor the position of Jack Gross, however, FBL appealed the decision, taking it to a higher court. Eventually, the case reached the Supreme Court who upheld the decisions of the lower courts, decision making that there was ample evidence getable that discrimination was the brace of his career status position change. Gross was awarded damages as set by the ADEA, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. This act provides compensatory damages when discrimination is found to have been the deciding factor for making improper age-related decisions in the workplace. The include damages that are determined equal to the level o f humiliation, injury, pain, and suffering, or professional reputation damage that has occurred (elinfonet.com, 2010).Then Justice C. Thomas of the Supreme Court identified as the final appeal was considered, under the ADEA the plaintiff retains the burden of persuasion to establish that age was the but-for cause of the employers adverse action (laborlawyers.com, 2009, p.2). Because of the nature of how his position had been shifted and mismanaged, there was enough evidence and/or testimony to key out the court system believe that Gross had been deliberately targeted for age discrimination and it was the aforementioned but-for cause of his shifts at heart the company.Under the ADEA, and in the case of Mr. Gross, he may have been awarded compensation in the form of covering fire pay, which is another provision for damages available when all of the criteria have been met for proving the but-for reasoning (elinfonet.com).

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Public Health--Discuss the health problems and health service issues Essay - 1

Public Health--Discuss the wellness problems and health service issues that are associated with statelessness - Essay sampleThese differences make it difficult to harmonize the statistics (Engelkirk & Duben-Engelkirk, 2008). A common definition of the term homelessness is people who sleep scratchy (Glover-Thomas, 2002). This definition, however, has to meet certain criteria to qualify one as a rough sleeper. People who qualify for this sorting have to be between the ages of 16-20 and above. Besides, they must have been previously under certain care or some custody, or were prior to being rendered a hard sleeper was a member of the HM forces, or was forced out of their former abodes due to family feuds, violence, threats of violence, etc. (Henderson, 2014).This paper will rely on estimates made by the different states to illustrate the magnitude of the problems within. Some factors determine the health factors that are go about by rough sleepers in different nations. These factor s as Oliver (2013) notes are different and severe in the ontogeny worlds compared to the developed arenas. Rough sleepers in the UK experience a wide array of health problems owing to the increase number of new entrants who stream into the streets and hostels every year due to homelessness and associated factors. This paper centers in focusing on the health issues facing the homeless persons in the UK. The 21st century has seen the increasing demands for healthcare attention for the homeless persons in the UK. As Baggott (2011) denotes, disease manifestation and occurrence have increased in the wake of orbicular environmental change and disease proliferation through time. The homeless people are more exposed to unlike health dangers than the other populace. Besides, the increasing number of homeless persons in the UK, a lot of whom are victims of heap such as asylum seekers, jobless immigrants, and other related persons makes policy formulations to curb homelessness in the regi on a terrible nightmare. The paper discusses some of these health related issues in relevance to public health

Friday, April 19, 2019

Marketing Budget Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marketing Budget - Essay deterrent exampleThe above spread sheet is the explanation of the actual workings, response rate, CPM, Prospects generated, and conversion rates. The spa is actually pass judgment to have 842 conversions a month from these promotions and an average sales per head of $80 result result in sales of $67360 per month. Response rates have been taken at the following percentages News paper ads at 2%, Magazine -1 % and Bill Boards - .5%, in the Print media.As the spa is using the pull dodge to market its services, hence it currently will not employ a telesales team to actively pressure sales over the phone. Besides, the spa does not possess a large calling grounding. However, with an existing base of 250+ names and numbers it decides to send direct mail and a 5% conversion on this generates 12 prospects.Sales Force The spa operates only with a minimum of 2 salesmen who make 7 calls a day, 5 days a week with 20 % prospects and a 35% conversion rate on the prospec t. A senior member will accompany them to a corporate house once a week and the sales men will take the lead from there to generate further business.Events and Sponsors This will generate an additional 50 % conversion rate considering the celebrities who would visit the spa as this lures people to be present in the spa during their visit to the spa.The CPM for Television is $6 per g-force viewers and this would result in $60 for a 30 second commercial aired once. Airing this 4 times a day, 30 days a month costs $7200. The CPM on the internet for Face book and MySpace is $.5 for 1000 views a day ,$50 for 1,00,000 views 30 days a month is $1500. The conversions for all strike and non print prospects have been kept a conservative 15%. The budget mentioned is both viable and comprehensive and flush a 15% slip on the expected rate will leave the spa with a healthy Net Profit

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Chinese video gaming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Chinese video gaming - Essay ExampleIt is obvious that this independence has definitely conduct to positive results for the countrys development. However, there are certain new(prenominal) aspects of the Chinese gaming fabrication that come to the fore on a closer analysis. The industry does not only have a positive side to it, there are also some negatives and drawbacks that loafer be seen. This is mainly in terms of the strict state censorship that the imported games pass through before reaching the markets of chinaware (Wolf 108). Due to the various strict ideals of the government of China, it is not easy for foreign games to be sold in the markets. The content of every game is thoroughly checked and those found inappropriate are either deleted from the games, or the game is banned altogether. The gamers, however, are not satisfied with the new version of the games and, therefore, they resort to pirated full versions of the game. The gamers separate to understand that the re al objective behind this censorship is to promote domestically made games, in localise to protect the Chinese market (Wolf 108). Studies have proved that the online games in China are now the mainstream figure out of game consumption and that the market share of imported games is on the decline (Wolf 109). This is significantly so because the broadband development in the country has been increasing considerably and due to the fact that China has not cancelled into the second biggest internet market on the face of earth (Chung). Piracy in China is a major(ip) problem and it has created conflicts with game manufacturers in Japan and United States, putting the membership of China in the orbiculate gaming community into jeopardy (Wolf 109). The game manufacturers are forced to produce online games and are averse to... With the massive advances in technology, man has transformed the impossible into the reality. Almost all fields have reached greater heights with the constant innov ations in technology. This is especially so in the case of the frolic field, including various industries such as movies, music, dance, gaming etc.The modern technologies in video gaming have taken entertainment to the next level through the creation of interactive user interfaces. For example, there are a heap of motion sensitive games that have become highly popular among the modern generation. These games are designed in such a way that the game processor detects the movements of the human body and replicates those movements into the respective characters of the game. These types of games are popular throughout the world and the gaming industries of different countries, seeing the potential of this sphere, plan to work hard towards tapping this quoin much more. One such country that has recognized the significance of this field is China and its gaming industry, which is now one of the fastest growing interactive entertainment industries worldwide.Piracy in China is a major p roblem and it has created conflicts with game manufacturers in Japan and United States, putting the membership of China in the global gaming community into jeopardy. The game manufacturers are forced to produce online games and are reluctant to manufacture other games due to fear of piracy. Thus, the Chinese government needs to implement laws and devise ways in which it can get rid of piracy once and for all. The gaming industry in China is greatly influenced by South Korea and the United States and, therefore, it does import games from these countries in addition to Japan

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Benefits versus Negative Effects of World War II Research Paper

Benefits versus Negative Effects of military man War II - Research Paper ExampleThat is why there has been a heated debate regarding the beneficial aspect of the war. While one group of deal believes that Hitler always had plans to exterminate the Jews, the other group of functionalists argues that the war and the holocaust were reached at in a haphazard way. Nonetheless, it can be agreed that the war was not an accident. Negative effects of the War All part of the world experienced the effect of World War II. It is due to the fact that most of the worlds most powerful military groups such as Germany, Britain, Italy, the United States and Japan were entangled. It include attacks of different countries that include Japan whose negative experiences after the bombings at the Pearl Harbor are still felt at once with the birth of children with physical disabilities (Plog par. 2). There were five times more the number of casualties as compared to the First World War with many people a mounting to fifty-five million were killed. Adolf Hitler, who was a dictator, was a key player and a participant in the activities before World War II. He mainly made the decision that link up to the extermination policy as a state sanction (Fic par. 10). It mainly involved inhuman acts that take down an individuals level of decency as portrayed by Himmler who thought that the elimination of Jews and the other groups, which were considered undesirable, was a burden and an unpalatable task (Heilbrunn, p. 2). The associated atrocities committed during the invasion of Poland elicited a high level of criticism. The actions of Hitler and 2 of his two main aides and lieutenants can be considered to have been founded on wrong reasons. As Heilbrunn indicates, Himmler was involved in fights mainly in an effort to spread anti Semitic ideas, racism, extreme nationalism, and hostility to democracy. These stem ideologies were meant to be incorporated with a more comprehensive world view. It was a good move as it provided grounds for educating the peasants in Lower Bavaria about the connection between Jews, capitalists and Freemasons. Moreover, Longerich and Gerwarth assert that the Nazis were involved in glowering delusions about the power of the Jews. It is because of this that Thomas Mann describes their activities as the transformation of the entire continent into a thick-walled torture put up in his novel Doctor Faustus (Heilbrunn p. 3). However, Hitler claimed that the war was started on the effort to solve most of the problems in Germany. These included the versatile treaty which if defied German would become a great country again. As Heilbrunn indicates, Hitler was involved in the war in order to bring peaceful coexistence between Czechs. Himmler, on the other hand, contends that members of the SS killed decently (Heilbrunn p. 3). He indicates that, unlike individual views that the Jews were killed out of sexual, selfish and sadistic reasons, the Nazis conduct ed the executions purely on grounds of valid governmental motives. It is as a result of this that he made a decision to deport millions of them (McIntosh, p. 1). Effect on Women During the war, the lives of numerous women were disrupted as they had to adapt to difficult conditions such as several nights of blackout. They additionally had to go through terror and fearful moments from the planes that constantly flew above them and Lorries that made

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Willys failures Essay Example for Free

Willys adversitys EssayThe look is sure as shooting not but about the failure of an inadequate human being(s) there is far greater judgment to the story. One could argue that the play is as well a critique of the American dream, the idea that an ordinary person can just win succeeder without too much effort you just have to be well-liked as Willy puts it. It is Willys obsession with achieving this dream that leads to his monomania and his downfall. This could suggest that the dream is impossible to achieve and a person will only end up disappointed if they rely on it. It is after all only a dream and not reality. patronage Willys failure at achieving the dream, it does not necessarily mean that the dream is unobtainable.Miller uses many characters to show the going a instruction in success and failure in the American system. Charley, regarded as another normal person, is actually kinda successful under the American system. This contrasts greatly with the financial ins ecurity of Willy and seems to dispel the idea that this book is a critique of the American dream. The audience will think that Charley has achieved success in the American system it cannot be too badly flawed therefore. If you look at the play in far greater depth however, you will realise that the play is criticising the American dream. Charley did not sit around waiting for his wealth to just appear like Willy did who was fol paltrying the idea of the dream much more closely.Charley went out and worked hard to achieve all(prenominal)thing, willing to work from the bottom, and acknowledge that he was working from the bottom. This very different to the American day daydream Willy, who was too proud to accept a job off Charley and fails to admit, until further into the play, that his job is a low job, at the very bottom of the social ladder. The idea of capitalist values is also criticised in the play such as the way Willy is cruelly fired from his job by Howard to save money and t he way that as soon as Willy pays off the payments on his refrigerator and his car they break and he has to profane new ones. Miller is suggesting that although some may benefit from the American system, there are many that do not.It seems that Willy is almost certainly a failure in the play but one could argue otherwise. Firstly, the position that Willy is willing to give up his life so the family can benefit from the vast life insurance payout, seems, although rather drastic, actually sooner noble a man willing to die for the welfare of his family. It is certainly true that Willy loves his family and one could argue that the main reason for Willys downfall is the failure of his children to make anything of their lives especially Biff.Willy odours slimly responsible for their lack of success and this does not really show a huge failing on his behalf. Despite the affair, Willy loves his wife greatly as is seen with the guilt he feels when Linda repairs her old stockings. His of ten-ill treatment of Linda could be regarded as his own guilt and not his failure as a husband. Willy may not seem quite so much the failure as one might think.Despite this, Willy does fail in several(prenominal) areas. He fails to generate a good enough income to support a family and the situation becomes dire when he loses his job. He arguably fails as a father in that his sons are unsuccessful and when they were young he almost encourages them to steal for example. He also seems to fail as a husband in that he has an affair and he generally badly treats his wife. Willys delusion suggests a failure to hold onto his sanity and an inability to adjust with the times.I can conclude therefore that Death of A Salesman is certainly a ghost portraying of Willys failures. I disagree with the idea of the play being merely a touching portrayal however it is far more than that. We certainly feel sympathetic towards Willys downfall yet we also feel angry at his situation. Miller challenges the ideals of Capitalism and the American dream and this creates almost anger amongst the audience, who feel the abounding and great have cheated them. Millers use of a working class low man conveys the idea that every human being has dreams and ambitions not just the powerful man. His is a challenge to the Aristotelian tragedies of old in which it seemed to suggest that only the great kings could ever suffer. His challenge certainly succeeds.

The Problem and its Origin Essay Example for Free

The Problem and its line of merchandise Essay on that point was a time in the 20th century when the primary source of income of the wad in the United States was farming. It was also during that time when the government provided economic security to the extended families. This lasted for historic period until they undergo Great Depression which diminished the lifetime savings of the aged and at the same time reduce the gainful employment opportunities. This was the reason why they experienced national crisis and it was because of this issue that the kind protection train programs to address the issue. (http//waysandmeans. house. gov/media/pdf/greenbook2003/Section1.pdf) To address this problem, the Federal government granted loans to the state of matter flock and the loans were reaching(a) through beam relief or work relief. With this, the government came up with programs for emergency relief and public works. The president of the state submitted a proposal to the c ongress about an insurance policy program. This law included the establishment of two insurance programs the Federal System of oldish age which was intended to patron the retirees who had once been employed in the manufacture and commerce and the Federal State System which intended to address unemployment insurance issues.The law which was enacted by the federal official government served as a supplement to the incomes of the state people who were not eligible for Social Security Survival Insurance. There was a time in the past when over 33 million people were cover by the Social Security system. Though coverage was obligatory for most of the proles, there were stock-still about 6. 5 million role players who did not enjoy the coverage under Social Security in 2002. It was not until 1990 when the credit was replaced with a newer system which was intended to be fair between the employed and the freelance individuals.Under this new system, there was an adjustment of the SECA t ax to reflect that employees do not pay FICA taxes on the employers portion. Additionally, it was also specified in the system that self-employed workers were given the chance to deduct half(a) of their SECA taxes for income tax purposes. The outline below shows those workers who were exempted from FICA and SECA taxes (http//waysandmeans. house. gov/media/pdf/greenbook2003/Section1. pdf) o State and local government workers o Election workers o Ministerso Federal workers o College students o Household workers o Self-employed workers. The congress had required coarse-term estimates of the repose of the program and they had also set tax judge to ensure that the income of the program was sufficient decorous to cover its outgo. The long-range projections of the system were affected by three factors demographic factors, economic factors and factors related to Social Security programs. In their 1988 stem, the trustees utilize an alternative method to determine their actuarial bal ance.This method computed the actuarial balance as the difference between the collapse value of income and costs for the period, which is then divided by the present value of the taxable payroll for the period. Normally, the trustees based their conclusion on the on the closeness of the income and cost-rates. In the long run, the projections of the trustees started troubling. For quite a number of years, the report engage always projected long-term financing problems and this report had continued to show a near-term buildup of trust fund reserves and the forecast for the next 75 years.The intimacy which was paid to the trust coin was a way to make the fund increase until it make headwayes $7. 5 trillion in 2027. However, the trustees had estimated that by 2028, the fund would be insufficient to pay all benefits when all is due. It had been observed that the social security system had continuously come to a worse function. The congress even attempted to help eliminate the long -run problem. Projections were made and that showed that Congress had stemmed the red ink for the next 75 years. However, this situation did not represent the condition of the entire period.Since 1983, the averaging period had continually deficit one (1) year at the back end and at the front end continued to drop a surplus. This had caused the condition to turn even more. The evaluation of the income and the outgo was based on measuring the period in reaching a conclusion of whether close actuarial balance existed, in which there was a deviation from the amount. In rate to meet the test of financial adequacy, the balance at the first 10-year segment moldiness be at least 100% of the annual expenditure. This condition essential be consistent with the 10-year segment of close actuarial balance.However, under these measures, the trustees made a conclusion in 2003 that the system was not as close as the actuarial balance over the long-run. There had been a deficit in between the sum marized income and cost rates for about 1. 92% of the total taxable payroll. The chart below shows the social security trust funds end of year balances from 2003 to 2042. The projections was not based on a pessimistic assumptions but this hinge on the demographic factors which were based on the post-WWII baby boom and the general aging society. Social Welf atomic number 18 insurance To address this issue, Social Security implemented policies for the members to enjoy.The benefits given by the Social Security were paid to workers and to their dependents should the worker worked long enough to cover employment to be insured. There was a certain measurement used for insured status. The social security uses lifetime record of earnings which was reported under the workers social security number and then counting the number of quarters which were considered as covered impute. There was a time when one credit was earned for each calendar quarter. In which, the worker was paid %50 in wages for covered employment, or just received $100 for self-employed individuals.However, a worker also received a credit for each multiple of $100 in an annual earning the total number of credits essential not exceed by four though. There are two types of insured status full insured and currently insured. For fully insured workers, they must have a total credits which is equal to one credit for each year after dependents reach the age of 21 up to the year before they reach 62 became disabled or died, whichever came first. The fully insured status is required for the eligibility for all types of benefits. Regardless of the age of the worker, he must have a total of at least 6 credits to be fully insured.If the total number of credits of the workers reaches 40, he is insured for life. For disability insurance, workers must have a total of at least 20 credits during the 40-quarter period in which they became disabled. However, if workers are insured before the age of 31, they are immedi ately covered by disability insurance. In general, disability is defined to be incapable of gaining substantial activity. The impairment must be medically proven and is expected to last for not less than 12 months so workers hatful avail the benefits. For workers who are at least 62 years old, they are now eligible for retirement benefits.For the family of the workers, they also get to enjoy other benefits. The following summarizes the benefits that each member of the family can get (http//waysandmeans. house. gov/media/pdf/greenbook2003/Section1. pdf) first mate benefits the first mate can get periodic benefit which is paid to him/her under the following conditions (1) a currently-married fellow must be at least 62 and who is caring for more than one of the workers entitled nestlingren who are disabled or who have not reach the age of 16 and (2) a divorced, not married spouse of at least 62 years old.The marriage of the divorced spouse should have lasted for 10 years. The d ivorced spouse was entitled of the workers retirement. Widow(er) benefits a periodic pay is given to a widow(er) should the widow(er) had not been married and must either be 60 years old or older or the age range is between 50 and 59 and is disabled passim the waiting period of 5 consecutive months. Childs benefit the nipper receives a monthly benefit should the child had not been married, the child is biological or adopted and a step child or grandchild of a retiree.The child must be below 18 years old and must be a full-time elementary or secondary student who is below 19 years old. Mothers/Fathers benefit the mother/father of the retiree or survivor gets monthly benefit if (1) the workers benefit was fully or currently insured at time of death and (2) neither the father nor the mother of the deceased worker was not married and must have one or more entitled children of the worker under his/her care.This benefit continues until the youngest child of the worker is below 16 years old and/or disabled. Parents benefit a monthly survivor benefit is given to the parents of the worker should the parent have not been married or is 62 years old or older. The parents must have received half of the support from the worker at the time of the workers death. Lump-sum death benefit an amount of $255 is payable upon the death of a fully- or currently-insured worker to the surviving spouse who was living with the deceased worker.If the worker has no spouse, the lump-sum benefit is paid to the child of the worker. In cases where the worker had neither spouse nor children, the lump-sum amount is not given. When beneficiaries whose income is above a certain threshold, they are then required to include a portion of their benefit to the Social Security Benefits in their federally taxable income.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Macy Brand Essay Example for Free

Macy Brand Essay1. Macys is cardinal of very few brands in the sell business that can credibly be called an icon, and the flagship store in New York and the Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade are considered a commercial and cultural legacies. Since any(prenominal) years ago Macys Inc. has undertaken an extensive effort to transform Macys from a regional to a depicted object brand, redefining itself. Macys national branding strategy is offering a more than localized, personalized retail guest eff. My Macys is a sweeping initiative designed to embed a customer-centric orientation into all aspect of the partnerships operations, and it reflects the way Macys wants its customers to view their personalized relationship with the company every(prenominal) time they interact with the brand. Macys believes that the aim is consistency and the key is information.To implement the kind of customer-centricity envisioned a customer data strategy was a prerequisite. So was needed to consol idate the various data repositories that had store from predecessor companies, and for realizing the foundational importance of this work on a long-term macys.com need to turn to IBM to provide focal point and tools. To finish the virtually transformation macys.com worked to put in place the architectural elements needed for a 360 stagecoach view of its customers to support a strategy of multichannel integration.2. Considering this IT implementation Macys is able to know customers preferences and create dynamically customizes recommendations or personalized promotions and these information established a deeper level of engagement amidst the customers and the brand, the customer loyalty, wallet share and the sales will increase. This implementation improved the decision making and optimized the dispersion center. All these benefits had make Macys a much more customer-centric company.3. A data strategy was a pre-requisite towards Macys multichannel model to Macys be able to find more customer-centric. This mean, it was needed to capture customer data to modify Macys to interact on a more personal level with its customers. So all the previous customers data and a 360-degree view of the customer will personalize and enrich the customer experience in the company.To get all the information from previous data and from the 360-degree view of the customer, Macys turned to IBM and they provide IBMInfoSphere information Server platform and IBM InfoSphere DataStage to integrate the multiple sources of customer data, they also provide IBM InfoSphere QualityStage to ensure that all data can be trusted and finally they provide IBM InfoSphere Warehouse Enterprise Edition to macys.com be receptive to get data warehouse framework for real-time analytics.4. To understand if this information system is strategic for the company I will do a 5 Forces of Porter analysis. According with the benefits of the IT implementation Macys customers will become more loyal at the brand w hat will minimize the bargaining power of the buyers. Working with IBM do Macys able to understand the evolving business needs to take the right decisions on technology and architecture, what make Macys more flexible to changes, and that will decrease the threat of substitutes, the bargaining power of suppliers and the threat of new entrance. With all the nerveless 4 forces will bow rivalry decreasing it. To conclude, all the 5 forces have no influence on Macys strategy what means that this information system is strategic for the company.5. To transform Macys from regional to a national brand and become a more customer-centric company was need to transform in scope, the physical, logistical and organisational dimensions. According with The Venkatraman model Macys has achieve revolutionary levels being at the Business Scope Redefinition Degree Transformation.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Changes in Technology Essay Example for Free

Changes in Technology EssayThe many changes in technology over the years greatly impacted the increase of early human societies. Agriculture, religion, and opposition between groups are just a few of the many things that were greatly impacted by the changes in technology. New inventions and ways of thinking of things made a huge variance in the world. There have been many changes in technology through out the years and in the maturement of early human societies.There were many changes during and after the classical age when it comes to agriculture. The invention of habilitate rotation and irrigation helped a helping in agriculture. They made farming much quicker and easier. Jethro Tulls inventions of the come drill and horseshoe also helped speed up the farming process. The seed drill made lay easier by planting seeds deep in the ground so they arent washed away. Horseshoes allowed horses to reverse much quicker than before, which increased productivity. The increase of farming also made life a lot easier by allowing for less nomadic living due to the crops being so close to home. These inventions, as considerably as having more food from farming, are the reason for agriculture being as technologically ripe as it is today.Like agriculture, religion was also hugely impacted. Religion has always been very important in human societies. In the early years, religions such as Christianity and Buddhism introduced the idea of mutual intolerance. Mutual intolerance was the bankers acceptance of disagreeing with another religion. Islam, Buddhism, and Christianity are just a few examples of the religions in this time.Things such as improvements in tools and weapons changed competition between groups. As time went on, there were more and more developments when it came to agriculture, engineering, and tools. The tools becoming more advanced conduct to the ideas of better weapons. Because weapons and tools kept improving, they began to be used to obtain pow er more regularly. In turn, groups like the Aztecs, Toltec, Mayans, and Oaxaca began trash with these weapons in competition between groups.These examples of change in agriculture, religion, and competition between groups show that technology greatly impacted the development of early human societies. Whether it was because of inventions or different perspectives on things, these societies were obviously greatly impacted. With this information, it is send away that there have been many changes in technology through out the years and in the development of early human societies.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Harvie Krumpet only ever belonged with other outcasts Essay Example for Free

Harvie Krumpet precisely ever belonged with former(a) outcasts EssayArgue for or against this logical argument with reference to how Harvie Krumpets life is represented in the film. (you must make specific references to the techniques used by the film maker). Note you are only allowed to use the word belonging once. The need to be socially accepted and connected with others is an intrinsic yearning in humans. This desire to be included within a community or partnership is known as belonging a fundamental need which molds a persons identity. Harvie Krumpet is a short, animated film written, directed and animated by Adam Elliot and produced by Melanie Coombs. The film demonstrates through its main fictitious character, Harvie Krumpet, that companionship and connection can influence ones expectation as well as ideologies. By utilising numerous techniques (such as editing, metaphors, farcical fallacy, symbolism, speech and music), the animation lucubrates that Harvie Krumpet only ever fit in with other outcasts. The use of metaphoric images and editing proves that Harvie Krumpet was only accepted by misfits while he was young.Due to Harvies Tourette syndrome, he was ostracised at school by the other students. He was only able to make friends with Bogush another outcast. The two rejects are shown together outside with their backs to a besiege of the school building. The barrier separating the two friends from the other students is a metaphor for the social divide excluding the misfits, and highlights the strong confederation Harvie shares with Bogush. Another technique that proves the main character was rejected from society is editing.While Harvie is at home with his dotty mother, the camera cuts away multiple times, each time showing the house further away. These cuts give viewers an idea of how the public view the family, and give the impression that society pushes them away. This use of editing, as well as a metaphor, demonstrates that Harvie is o nly respected by those who are similarly misfortunate. Even while Harvie Krumpet is middle-aged he remains alienated from society and is only able to fit in with outcasts like himself, as is present by pathetic fallacy and symbolism.Many things change in Harvies life he is forced to move to Australia and finds a job at the Spotswood Dump. During the scene where Harvie attempts to make a friend at the dump, the throw out is overcast and gloomy, which reflects the main characters dismay when he is rejected. This technique is known as pathetic fallacy and efficiently illustrates Harvies isolation from ordinary people. Symbolism supports this idea, as Harvie is commonly seen alone, surrounded by the colour grey.For example, even while the main character is working in a large factory, he is still shown alone in a dark, grey room. This melancholy shade reflects the loneliness he feels. together with pathetic fallacy, these techniques reveal to the audience that Harvie Krumpet is a vict im of stigma and is only able to belong with other misfits. To demonstrate that Harvie Krumpet only feels connected and valued by other outcasts when he is elderly, music and speech are utilised. When Harvie grows old and moves into a retirement home, he meets other people suffering from Alzheimers disease.He moves into a community that share similarities with Harvie and forms a group of friends who had been rejected by society just like himself. To illustrate that the main character fits in with this community, a bright and cheery tune is played as Harvie puts on a show for the group. The uplifting music is an example of non-diagetic sound and reflects how content the outcasts feel together. Another technique which highlights Harvies strong connection to misfits is speech. Throughout the film, the only linguistic communication Harvie speaks are Thank you.The central character says these to a lady who felt she did not belong even among a crowd of social rejects. These words are im mensely significant and reveal just how powerful Harvies bond was with this outcast. It is clear that the elderly Harie Krumpet only fits in with other rejects through the use of music and speech. In conclusion, Harvie Krumpet only ever fits in with other outcasts throughout his life. This is supported and reinforced by the techniques of editing, metaphors, pathetic fallacy, symbolism, speech and music.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Lemurs in Madagascar Assignment Essay Example for Free

Lemurs in Madagascar Assignment EssayWhat be Madagascars biomes? Discuss the major features of at least one of these biomes. Use the textbook for biome examples. Madagascar is a tropical rain timberland, rain forest savanna and grasslands.The rain forest receives 120 inches of rain at least a year. It has very wet and dense vegetation in spite of appearance the trees. Anywhere from 70 plus percent of animal life lives in the trees. It is filled with lakes, river, swamps and a all-embracing variety of different terrain. There is an overabundance of green plant life that strives on the heavy rains have each year. The forest floor is full of nutrients which the large tree strive on giving the cover effects and which houses so much plant and animal life.2. What changes happening in Madagascar are posing challenges for lemurs? have details about the sources, time scale, and types of change.All the time the environment is changing by people lamentable in and getting more populat ed. As people come into a new domain of a function they whitethorn alter a Lemurs normal route or main food supply in the area by cutting down a certain tree such as bamboo.3. Which types of lemurs are alineing to the changes? Which types of lemurs are not adapting well? Why?The less vulnerable lemurs are good at adapting to a vicarious environment with people. The vulnerable or endangered lemurs are having hard time moving and settling into a new food source or habitat which is causing them to goextinct faster. Ringtail lemurs slew adapt and defiantly go to multiple environments.4. What behavioral and physical traits are being favored in lemurs in the changing Madagascar environment?People are studying lemurs to find out if you can school other lemurs certain straight so that can adapt to a new type of environment. such as eating habitats and what they eat. How the move and migrate from place to place.5. Why might lemurs not evolve to adapt to the changes in Madagascar?They m ay not never adapt due to the incessant changes in the environment nonstop. close to lemurs can adapt with evolution over hundreds of year but with humans within a fewer years they can destroy an entire habitat along with food sources within a year. The constant changes always leave the lemurs on their toes. Constantly roaming from one place to another6. Which biogeochemical cycles may be modify by anthropogenic activities on Madagascar, and how?Many things may be altered such as the soils and life story organisms by people moving into the new areas in such a rapid rate. What toll does this chance upon on the environments such as global warming and pollutants in that areas now? What do the changes in the little spectrum of things do to the overall climate?ReferenceLemurs in Madagascar Surviving on an Island of Change. Films Media Group, 2006. Films On Demand.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

How Ethnic Groups Can Be Unified Essay Example for Free

How Ethnic Groups Can Be Unified tryI would like to believe that I grew up very diversely. I attend an all overseas language broadcast that was housed in my elementary / middle school and my mom allowed me to attend the Japanese classes up until the three grade when the program received funding for their own school. However, while I was in the program I was able to interact with a many different heathenish groups and because of my age and the fact that my get under ones skin raised me to be open-minded and well rounded I didnt see a inequality between myself and the other children in the class, in fact at the time I remember having a Mexi usher out boyfriend and an Asian best friend. Because of my past I believe all ethnic groups stop be unified if everyone can accept the fact that everyone is different and embrace everyone for their difference. The act of not zest someone because they are different is a learned doings and children typical are learning this behavior from the adults around them and society views on that group of commonwealth.A simple and easy to understand example of how people are taught now to like each other is showed in most movies that make any character to slavery. There is always a part of the movie where two little children, one being innocence and the other black, start out great friends but as time goes on they learn that they cant be friends or date because one person is black and the other is white. Id be naive to think that in my generation ethnic group unity will happen.9-11 the US unified as a nation but we still had a negative view on one ethnic group for the actions of a individuals of that group. To this day I still know people who applyt care for Muslims as a whole because of 9-11. I do believe that things have gotten break off over the year but only in some regions of the world. All I can do is raise my children the way that I was raised and hope that they treat everyone with respect no matter their ethnic ba ckground.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Review of Literature Essay Example for Free

Review of Literature Essay2.1IntroductionThis chapter reviewed the available literatures written on this topic and in opposite related areas in this chapter. This was made possible by the identification, collection and review of these literatures from various sources such as text books, journals, reports and the internet.2.2The Concept of ambienceATM is typically made up of the CPU for controlling the exploiter interface and transaction devices, magnetic or Chip mental capacity reader for identifying the guest, display which is employd by the customer for performing the transaction, function buttons usually close to the display or a Touch permeate used to select the various aspects of the transaction and a indicate printer which provides the customer with a record of a transaction (Cronin and Mary, 1997). Most ATMs are connected to inter bank networks, enabling people to get out and deposit money from machines not belonging to the bank where they have their story or in the sphere where their accounts are held thus enabling funds withdrawals in local currency (Maxwell, 1990). They are often place by signs above them indicating the name of the bank giveing them.2.2.1Evolution of ATMATM is said to have evolved from early cash dispenser and is said to have first been introduced in the early 1970s. The dispensers were operated by a token inform of a punch card. This enables a customer to withdraw as sachets of suitable values of bank notes. These sachets processes and then regress the card to the customers. Another source has it that ATM concept was started around 1967, and that it was first installed in Endfield town, on the capital of the United Kingdom Borough of Endfield by Barclays Bank. Thomas (1996). This is said to have been accredited to John Shepherded Baron, although George Simon registered patent in New York and befool Wetzel and two other Engineers from Docatel Company also registered patent in June/ April 1973. Brendan (1996). This in the second generation was ameliorate to the extent that made it possible to count proved money.2.2.2Operation of ATMATMs typically connect directly to their ATM Controller via either a dial-up modem over a telephone line or directly via a leased line. Leased lines are preferable because they require less condemnation to establish a connection. Musiime and Biyaki, (2010). It is discovered that, to the highest degree modern ATMs, the customer is identified by inserting a plastic ATM card with a magnetic stripe or a plastic smartcard with a chip that contains a unique card number. Security is provided by the customer entering a personal identification number (PIN). For one to accession ATM supporter, he/ she (the card holder) has to insert the card (magnetic strip card) into the machine (ATM), which then reads the strip and makes data link with the telephone exchange computer to confirm the genuity of the card which is either accepted rejected depending on whether it is vali d or not. When accepted, the customer then punches his/ her PIN number which is then verified according to its compatibility with the information stored in the card. afterward which it then perform the service requested of like (issuing cash, accepting cash/ cheque deposit, balance enquiry, mini- carryment) etc, and in the long run ejects the card.2.3 efficaciousness of ATMWithout usage of technology the banking sector cannot provide customers with effective services (Patricio et al., 2003). Effective service slant is a new or significantly improved service concept that is interpreted into practice (Drake, 2001). client expectations concerning service encounter experiences and service delivery mechanisms as well as the entire concept of what constitutes quality service are therefore key issues that essential to be considered prior to the implementation of any structural change. Patricio et al. (2003). Effective service delivery is a service crossway or service process that is found on some technology or systematic method. It can be a new customer interaction channel, a distribution system or a technological concept or a combination of them. (Kelley et al. 1990). Kumbhar (2011). Observed that effectiveness of service provision have a significant relationship with boilersuit customer satisfaction. Effective service delivery is validatingly related to customer satisfaction in that, when a customer perceives that the delivery mode of the transactions that the bank is supposed to offer is quite good, the more the customers result be satisfied with the bank services.The Concept of Customer SatisfactionCacioppo (2000) defines Customer satisfaction as the state of mind that customers have about a company when their expectations have been met or exceeded over the lifetime of the product or service as quoted by MALCOLM (2008). Increased customer expectations have created a competitive mode whereby the quality of the relationship amid the customer and bank ha s taken on a greater deduction in some cases than the product itself. (Musiime and Biyaki, 2010). Krishnan et al (1999). Point out that, the banking constancy strives to succeed by position the topic of rapid and changing customers needs to their agenda.This can be achieved through good customer wish well and offering attractive services or products that other competitors may not offer. Therefore, customer satisfaction is seen as a key performance indicator within business. The concept of customer satisfaction occupies a central position in marketing and practice (Cardozo, 1965). Customer satisfaction is a persons feelings of cheer or disappointment resulting from comparing a products perceived performance or aftermath in relation to his or her expectations. (Musiime and Biyaki, 2010). In summary, Customer Satisfaction is the actual concourse of customers expectation after he or she has completed consuming a product or service.2.4.1 Who is a CustomerA customer is the most imp ortant visitor on our premises. He is not underage on us. He is not an interruption to our work. He is the purpose for it. He is not an outsider on our business kinda he is part of it, we are not doing him favor by serving him rather he is doing us favor by giving us an opportunity to do so. Wasswa, (2003). Pg 35. He upgrade described a customer as one that enables the organization exists. They are the purpose of our business. In my own view, I believe that, customers are the heart, the life and the soul of our businesses, without whom we cant hold even for a second to exist in business. Hence they should be accorded utmost respect and care when rendering service to them.2.4.2Importance of Customer satisfactionKhirallah (2005) defines customer satisfaction as a customers perception that his or her needs, wishes, expectations, or desires with estimate to products and service have been fulfilled. Consumer satisfaction in short can therefore be defined as an evaluative process that contrasts pre-purchase expectations with the actual perceptions of performance during and after consumption experience. In summary, Customer Satisfaction is the meeting or even exceeding of a customers expectation after the use product. The outcomes of consoling a customer are- Customer loyalty- LOYAL customers are those who have the enthusiasm about the brands or products they use. The more enthusiastic a customer is, the higher the profit contributed to the brand. (MALCOLM 2008). Musiime and Biyaki,(2010). homage is a combination of intentional repurchase behavior and psychological attachments of a customer to a particular service provider. The fundamental presumption of all the loyalty models is that keeping existing customers is less expensive than acquiring new ones.In summary, Loyalty is customers demonstration of faithful adherence to an institution despite the occasional errors. Thus substantive a customer is very paramount to organizations existence. Customer retentio n- Customer Retention is the ability to hold on to customers over time. Joseph and Stone (2003). Customer retention is the activity that the selling organization undertakes to put down customer account defections. It can also be described as a series of actions that the selling organization undertakes to reduce defections. Musiime and Biyaki, (2010). Ganesh et al., (2000)., observed that, long-term, customers become less costly to serve due to the banks greater companionship of the existing customer and to decrease serving costs. They also tend to be less sensitive to comparative degree marketing activities (Czepiel, 1990).Loosing customers not only leads to opportunity costs because the reduced sales, but also to an increased need for attracting new customers which is five to six times more expensive than customer retention (Joseph and Stone, 2003). 2.4.3The relationship between ATM use and Customer satisfaction Earlier research by Brownlie (1989) has recommended that some consum ers have positive attitudes towards ATMs based on dominant perceptions of convenience/accessibility/ease of use. As observed by Malcolm (2008). On the other hand, Reichheld and Sasser (1990) have recognized the benefits that customer satisfaction delivers to a bank. For instance, the longer a customer girdle with a bank the more utility the customer generates. This is a result of a number of factors relating to the time the customer spends with a bank.Without usage of technology the banking sector cannot provide customers with a satisfactory service (Patricio et al., 2003). Effective service delivery is a new or significantly improved service concept that is taken into practice. Musiime and Biyaki,(2010). According to, Patricio et al. (2003) customers will use different service delivery systems dependent on their assessment of all(prenominal) channel and how it contributes to the overall service offering. Hence service satisfaction will not merely be based on isolated service enco unters and experiences but rather on the overall feelings of satisfaction. With automated storyteller machines networks already in place in most of the urban areas, the drive is now focused towards the rustic areas where the use of automated teller machines is still uncommon. Musiime and Biyaki,(2010).2.5ConclusionFrom the review of literature, it can be observed that the operation and use of ATM services in the financial sector, has contributed a lot in changing the way in which financial services and products are being delivered to the banks clients. As the say goes that, for every step forward (development), a lot of challenges must have been faced, fought and overcome. Thus the development of ATM saw the emergency of some challenges for the industry as customers keep demanding for better service, while the financial institutions are very busy searching for the most efficient way by which they can improve on their service provision.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Ferguson Case Study Essay Example for Free

Ferguson Case Study EssayFerguson lifesizegest reason for drop in income of 1980 was the cost of hots sold. It accounted for $2,568 (U. S. $millions) of cost and expenses on the income statement. The reason for this proud cost of goods sold is because of the decline in apprize of the U. S. dollar in relation to other countries in which the firm was operating in. For instance a good majority of their product was made in England at a time when the pound was at an incomparable high which made the cost of selling the good in the U. S. ollar extremely expensive to American firms.to a fault their operations in Germany were halted because they German mark was appreciating in appreciate at the same time the get together States dollar was depreciating which made it too hard to sell the products for Massey- Ferguson at a profit. 2. Massey- Ferguson market value of common stock at the end of the fiscal year of 1980 was 176. 9 million dollars. This number was untold lower than its b ook value of equity because the market was unsure of the companys ability to put up post its short and long term debt causing a plunge in its market value.The debt was being used to expand its operations before 1980 and because of this the book value of equity in the company was high because they had a passel of assets that they had purchased in the companys growth period. 3. The Canadian government had a big incentive in helping to refinance Massey- Ferguson follow. They wanted to keep them operating in Canada because they provided a lot of jobs to Canada and because it was politically convenient because an election was about to take place.Another big reason was because Argus Company was invested in Massey Ferguson and if they had to provide more cash for Massey- Ferguson to not go under they may scale back some of their growth and possibly lay people off or pursue other opportunities elsewhere so that cost of making their products is even lower than Canada. 4. It would be ha rd for Massey-Ferguson to pay down their debt by issuing equity because of the lack of new ways to pay for the new debt that they are acquiring.Many investors were already weary of the ability for Massey-Ferguson to become competitive again because of the massive amount of debt that they already had. Also acceptance more to pay the debt that is already owed is not a good strategy for reparining a decaying company. Furthermore they had failed to push up the US market which provided a lot of new revenue and continued to fail at adjusting to impertinent markets which were outperforming the US at the time making it hard for them to compete because of the exchange rate between the international country and the US firm.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Science Neutralizing Lakes Essay Example for Free

Science Neutralizing Lakes Essay fate 1 Design a strategy for nonsubjectiveizing Fish LakeWhat do I know? (What do I remember round(predicate) the neutralization reaction) Neutralization is when an acid and strand are mixed to get downher to me an bean compound or which are 7 on the pH scale or pure water system, it is withal when a base and acid are mixed to make it in a neutral state. What am I wondering? (What are your rough ideas to fix an acidified lake?) I give be finding a base that allowing work the most effective path, in any case I will find a base that potbelly fix a large join of acidified lake water with a base that send word even out it with less because the acidified lake water, I will too look for a base that can make sulfuric acid neutral As a class we got options to what we will conduct this test with the base I choose is Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and for the indicant to show that this will make it neutral is the Universal Indictor I choose that i ndicator because it has a wide food color spectrum when being neutralized. PredictionsHow much base do you think do you think it will take to neutralize 5mL of acidified lake water? Why? I believe that it will take a little less then 5mL to neutralize it because it will apace meld and neutralize it. I also know because sodium hydroxide is very responsive at a time added it will take effect. Balanced Chemical Formula for Sodium hydroxide and Sulfuric Acid (Acidic Lake water) NaOH + H2SO4 - NaHSO4 + pissHow will you know when you have added the correct amount of base and wherefore? I will be using the universal joint indicator when first added it will first be red, orange, and yellow thus marrow its an acid. I will know when its fully neutralized when it turns green, blue, and violet. I choose this indicator because it has a wide spectrum of colors, which can help me indicate if I have added the right amount of base. data-based Set-up and cognitive process1. First get all safety equipment needed (safety goggles, and glasses)2. Receive a test render3. Add about 10 drops of acidified lake water to the test tube (10 drops = 5mL)4. Receive your Indictor (universal indictor)5. Add about 2 drops of the universal indictor to the acidified lake water6. Acidified lake water turned orange which meant it was a acid7. Then I original sodium hydroxide (NaOH)8. I filled a dropper with NaOH9. I dropped NaOH into the acidified lake water I seen forceful changes right by with the indictor it started to change right away 10. I added NaOH to the acidified lake water until the indictor turned into a color which was recognized as a base or neutral 11. It took about 9 drops which is less then 5mL to fully neutralize the acid in the water 12. I then recorded all my data to a piece of paper to keep for future references 13. At the end of this experiment I also conducted a next one all the previous steps above were followed but the base was changed to get a comparison 1 4. To complete my second experiment I used calcium carbonate (CaCo3) 15. I followed previous steps above 16. I added calcium carbonate (CaCo3) to the acidified lake water 17. It took about 15 20 drops of (Caco3) to neutralize the acid from the water 18. At the end of these experiments all equipment that I used was cleaned up and stored away to its proper locationRecordLake water Acid Indicator Base ObservationsWhat volume of acidic lake water did you neutralize ?I used 10 drops of acidic lake water which is = to 5mL. What indictor did you choose?Universal indicator I choose that because there is a wide color spectrum so you will see the neutralization when its happening. What base did you choose?I choose sodium hydroxide because it can get the job through with(p) and rapidly neutralize acidic water. How much base was needed to neutralize the acid? What else did you observe?It took about 9 drops of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) which is less then 5mL, I also noticed when adding NaOH the water started to neutralize right away you were able to see the indictor turning purple due to the fact that it was turning into a base.ReflectMake conclusion by referring to your predictions from step 1. Did your data support these predictions? Why or why not? If not how has your thinking changed? My predictions were correct, my data did support these predictions I say that because when I conducted this experiment I did in fact use less then 5mL I used 9 drops of sodium hydroxide, which is about 4.8 mL. when I conducted this experiment I did have a worry it might be over 5mL because I was not sure my question prior to this lab. I also did know I added the right amount of indicator because when conducting this lab/experiment the indictor turned fully purple thus meaning it was neutralized.When using the universal indicator it has a wide color spectrum, which means it has different colors. When its an acid the color will be red, orange, and yellow. When its a base it will be gre en, blue, and violet. MSDS I kept this in learning ability when using these chemicals in this experiment In large amounts of NaOH is very harmful to human health also other life, I did keep that in mind but I did further research, when I did my research it did state when adding small amounts gradually it will dissolve with out a problem when adding large amounts will cause a problem to wild life and also human life. Small amounts will dissolve over time then add in more once dissolved. Suggest one way in which you could improve your experimental procedure. One way I could of improved in this experimental procedure is to get different bases to get a different observation, which will be a better base. It will be more effective because we have a wider range of bases, which could lead to better solutions.

Friday, April 5, 2019

How to Introduce a Speaker Essay Example for Free

How to Introduce a Speaker EssaySpeech approachs are often an afterthought, in haste thrown to draw off under ones skin offher at the last second by someone with little knowledge of the loud talker unit system, their talking to, or the value for the hearing. And yet, speech launchs are critical to the success of a speech. While a strong speech opening is vital, nonhing helps establish a speakers credibility more than a carefully- maneuvered and well-delivered introduction. This denomination collapses you a series of practical tips for how to introduce a speaker to position them with the best possible medical prognosis to succeed. 1. Answer tercet core questions.When you are introducing a speaker, your primary goal is to prepare the audience and get them excited for what they are astir(predicate) to hear. To do this, you must answer these three core questions* What is the topic?* why is this topic important for this audience?* Why is the speaker qualified to deliver this talk?By attachressing these three questions, youve given the audience a motivation for listening (the topic is important to them), and youve reinforced the speakers credibility.2. Prepare and enforce adequately.While a strong speech opening is vital, nothing helps establish a speakers credibility more than a carefully-crafted and well-delivered introduction. At whole costs, avoid thoughts such as Oh, I dont need to prepare Im just introducing a speaker. Thoughts standardized that lead to stumbling, bumbling, off-the-cuff introductions which undermine your credibility and the credibility of the speaker. You should write out (and edit) the full introduction, check it with the speaker, and practice it several times.3. Memorize it, or minimize your notes.Try to memorize the introduction speaking without notes will add to your authority, and the audience will put more weight in your recommendation (that is, to listen to this speaker). If you are futile to memorize the entire i ntroduction, then workout as few notes as you whoremaster. Be sure you brush aside you deliver the last sentence of your introduction without notes as this will maximize momentum for the speaker.4. be domineering and enthusiastic.The audience takes cues from you. If you seem disinterested, they will be disinterested. If you are (genuinely) positive and enthusiastic, they will be in like manner. Your choice of spoken language, voice, questions, and facial expressions should all convey enthusiasm. So, how do you ensure you are enthusiastic?5. Get to know the speaker.It is difficult to get the audience excited about the speaker if you arent excited yourself. If the speaker is previously unknown to you for example, allege youve volunteered to introduce speakers at a large industry event your introduction may lack sincerity. So, get to know the speaker. Google them. Talk with them. Ask others about them. Research the speaker and their expertise until you are excited by the op portunity to introduce them.6. Eliminate mispronunciations.A sure way to weaken your own credibility and that of the speaker is to mispronounce their name, the style of their presentation, or each other key terms. Luckily, this is easily avoided through practice and by confirming the correct pronunciation with the speaker well before the presentation. (Dont wait until you are delivering the introduction to ask them this looks amateurish.) A sure way to undermine your own credibility and that of the speaker is to mispronounce their name, the title of their presentation, or any other key terms.7. be accurate.Being accurate is as important as correct pronunciation, perhaps more so. Make sure you know the precise years, facts, or expound. If you nonplus factual errors, legion(predicate) speakers will feel an irresistible compulsion to correct you. This is a lousy way for them to originate their speech, and will almost certainly kill their momentum.8. Dont alter the speech title. Many speakers craft their presentation title very carefully, and the words matter to them. The title may be a invent they want the audience to remember, it may reflect language used on accompanying slides, or it may be a humorous play on words. Dont change it under any circumstances. (And, of course, know how to pronounce it.)9. Should you attempt humor?In most circumstances, no. Your objective is to get the audience excited about the topic and the speaker, and this is not the time to tell humorous anecdotes about the speaker. Save those for a roast There are exceptions (as there are to all public speaking advice), and youll confound to use your judgment. If this speech is part of a longer event, and the preceding talk has been particularly sad or beginning on energy, then it may help to lift the spirits of the audience. If you need to do this, do it archeozoic in your introduction, and then move on to the more thought-provoking content leading to your climax.10. Dont give an ou tline of the speech.I was once introduced by someone who had seen a longer presentation I gave on the same topic two years prior. Not only did they ignore the introduction I had written for them, but they gave a detailed outline of my whole talk, including which parts were their favorites Unfortunately, my outline had changed substantially, and they had created un intelligent expectations and sabotaged my talk. cancel undermining the speaker by giving too many details about the speech, telling anecdotes from their speech, or reservation promises about details in their presentation. It is the speakers job to decide how and when they reveal their outline. withhold your introduction at a high level, unless they live specifically asked you to do otherwise.11. Stick to relevant expertise of the speaker. one very common mistake is to recite a lengthy list of biographic details (education, awards, fountain job titles, publications, etc.) which may or may not be relevant to the topic b eing presented. This is curiously common at academic conferences.For example, avoid introductions such asOur speaker grew up in Seattle and have at the top of her mechanical engineering class at Carnegie Mellon University. She went on to earn a acquires Degree from Duke University, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Harvard. She is a member of the Automotive Engineers Association, and a two-time recipient of the Stone Award for Distinguished Linguistics Research. She was previously the Director of Research at Hasbro, and is currently the CEO for the Miami Dolphins. Her talk today is entitled How to Dougie.A much better introduction would breath on how many years the speaker had Dougying whether she had been trained or self-taught, and that she had written a book on this topic. Okay, maybe that example was a bit extreme. But, even if the speaker has a lengthy list of biographical details that are related to her talk, theres no need to recite them all. Pick a small number (about three) that are most relevant usually the most recent details. Why not give all the details?12. Dont overdo it.Long introductions filled with biographical details are bad for two main reasons * Long introductions are boring. Nobody attends an event to listen to the introducer go on and on. * Long introductions are pompous. Reciting dozens of professional accolades gives the impression that the speaker cares only about himself and his ego. Keep your introduction just long enough to accomplish your goals 1 whats the topic, 2 why does it matter, and 3 why is the speaker probable? Keep your introduction just long enough to accomplish your goals 1 whats the topic, 2 why does it matter, and 3 why is the speaker credible? Im a big fan of short introductions in just about all situations. Sixty or ninety seconds is usually ample time. For really long presentations, (e.g. keynote addresses immutable an hour or more) two or three minutes may be warranted.13. Avoid clichs.How many times hav e you heard This speaker needs no introduction? While the speaker may indeed be well-known to the audience, nearly every speech benefits from a brief introduction.14. Avoid exaggerated hype.Your introduction should get the audience excited about the presentation, but dont take it too far. For example, it is reasonable to claim that the presentation will help the audience solve a business problem, drop a line time, or understand the complexities of tax policy. But, it doesnt help anyone to claim that this presentation will solve all your problems, or that it is the best presentation youll ever hear, or even that youll be amazed by what you are about to hear. Proud expectations will actually have a detrimental effect, because the audience will feel challenged to prove you wrong.15. Build to a climax.Your vocal delivery (strength and volume) should build toward the end of your introduction. (Keep it reasonable theres no need to yell.) By doing so, the audience will be compelled to we lcome the speaker with loud applause. One effective way to do this is to end with the speakers name and explicitly encourage applause Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming our guest speaker, Baby Girl16. master a smooth transition.Know where the speaker will be as you speak your last words so that you can turn in that direction to greet them. Etiquette dictates that you should wait for them to come to you (e.g. on the stage, or at the lectern) and then shake hands before you leave. Shaking hands is a symbolic gesture that indicates you are handing the floor to them. Occasionally, the speaker may have a special entrance planned. (e.g. entrance music, a staged stunt, something with a prop) Make sure you ask the speaker about this, and do whatever you can to support them in a successful entrance.How to Introduce a Speaker 16 Essential Tips for winnerPreparing an Oral ReportFollow these steps to put together and deliver a archetypical-rate presentation. measuring stick 1. Research the Facts Gather information about the subject of your oral examination enunciate. List the facts and interesting information from your reading, victorious notes accurately. Remember that relevant details and vivid descriptions will make your oral report more interesting, as will visual aids such as maps, charts, and pictures.Step 2. groom Your InformationOrganize your oral report in three parts. IntroductionHow will you introduce your report? What will be your first line? Write a short introduction that briefly explains what your report will cover. BodyOrganize the main points of your report. They should follow a logical order. Be sure that all your information is accurate you have included information from your research to support your main points you use details and descriptive sentences to make your report interesting. ConclusionWrite a short conclusion. You can use the conclusion to wrap up and duplicate your main points draw upon your main points to formulate a personal opinion concerning the topic of your report.Step 3. put Giving the Oral ReportPractice presenting your oral report with a friend or family member. If no one is available, try practicing in front of a mirror. Keep the following points in mind when you give your report. Hold your body upright and face your audience. Speak clearly and deliberatelyyou want everyone to hear what you have learned. Refer to your notes only when necessary.Step 4. Make A Final Copy of Your Report NotesUse your notes to make a final outline of your report and put it on one index card or half-sheet of paper. Try to use this card alone when giving your report. Refer to the rest of your notes only if absolutely necessary.http//go.hrw.com/resources/go_ss/teacher99/toolkit/TOOLKT19.pdf

Philosophy of Paranormal Activity and Morality

Philosophy of Paranormal Activity and MoralityHaldane says that the universe is not as strange as we imagine, but it is far stranger than we can think it is. Over the years, several mint clear claimed to stimulate experienced paranormal happenings with most experiences being unproven, be catch onenesss breathved entirely on word of mouth. there has always been a high debate on the topic of paranormality which may never see an ending. For instance, one of the fundamental reasons that veritable phenomena argon described as paranormal is that they ar unexplainable and, as of yet, unproven. The term paranormal describes whatsoever nonethelesst that is unexplainable and unexpected based on our current scientific surviveledgeii. This means it designates experiences that lie outside the range of normal experience or outside of sciences current superpower to explain or measure. Some of the types of phenomena or occurrences that are typically described as paranormal include Crypto zoology, Clairvoyance, Extra afferent apprehension ( clairvoyance), Ghosts, Apparitions or Poltergeist, Parapsychology, Precognition and so on. This essay will highlight various aspects of paranormality and how stack obtain influenced by it and how it should be prevented as it is morally wrong.Everyone in this world is psychic to slightly degree. This is sort of constituent(a) in all of us.iiiEvery person has their own personal degree of sixth sense. For example, some commonwealth amaze a relatively poor sixth sense sensation whereas some bulk capture a considerably high level of sixth sense. In fact, they are able to expect future tense happenings or they but sense the oncoming of a mishap. A psychic is sensitive to the electrical, magnetic and former(a) energies emanating from the individual and known as the auraiv. What is aura? The aura is an energy field- it is our life force. Aura takes two forms -cosmic vibratory energy which is present everywhere in the univer se and specific aura which sustains every human body. In this, you will learn how to use both these sources of energy.v. Psychic readings can be pretty sinless as they contain vital information of a persons life. Furthermore, a psychic as well uses his natural ability to be aware of non-verbal communication that is body language, facial expression, dress sense and so on ESP or extrasensory perception is perception occurring independently of sight, hearing, or other sensory processesvi. In fact, pack who have ESP (extrasensory perception) are said to be psychic. In addition, some think that a lot of people have ESP others think it is a talent that only some have. ESP in some way refers to telepathy. Usually, Psychic people are said to be quite convincing such as in day to day life we have definitely seen people who are able to predict small happenings around the house or maybe the forthcoming of a particular person. Moreover, sometimes people who do posses such abilities begin to utilize it on a regular basis, and withal experiment it on others. They also try to earn money out of this practice because people who do not know much about physic activity get easily dragged into it. Such practices should strictly be certified as it can cause social instability. Conning people through this method to earn money is just wrong thus, this practice should be completely banned. It is against normal human behaviour. Another aspect to paranormality is ghosts. There is also a high debate on this matter.hearing is the easiest of the five senses to deceive. Milbourne ChristopherviiGhosts (Poltergeist) in its modern definition are now associated with physical paranormal activity inside homes such as mysterious disturbances, moving of objects etc. The most common type of examples being moving or throwing of small or large furniture, meretricious noises or shrieks, rain of objects from around the house, odours of which the source cannot be detected etc. They have been k nown to have caused interference in telephones and electronic equipment, and appliances and lights on and off. They may even become full bodied or half bodied apparition. Hence, it is better to tarry away from such entities that are disturbing humans. Clearly, they can be extremely dangerous. Ghosts can also cause harm to humans as they are not at peace. For instance, if we trouble them they are also going to do the same in return. Some people also call ghosts deliberately either for the fun of it or to bailiwick them better. Therefore, human beings have no remediate to disturb those at rest whether they exist or not.Ghostly experiences usually have an adverse outlet on people. In fact, some even go crazy to the extent that they kill people around them, thinking that they are out to get them. There have been many cases of people who commit suicide or get into drugs. Some people deliberately call ghosts using the Ouija control panel also called planchette. An Ouija board can b e a simple piece of paper or a delicate woody plank with alphabets and numbers written on it. This is used to call ghosts or spirits by a group of people where they all sit around it and try to get in contact with spirits. There is a very low success rate to this. Aside from that, this can also be extremely dangerous and can lead to harmful effects. Sometimes after a successful session when one tries to send the spirit back, it just does not leave and behaves stubborn. Thus, this can be extremely dangerous for people performing this practice. Spirits sometimes do not leave the place at all, just apprehension there and maybe also harm people. Such practices can disturb everything around you sometimes. Therefore, it is better to stay away from such practices and not perform them as this is taking away the peace of the spirits who are at rest. The debate on the existence of such practices still has not come to a evidence so far. However, there is a belief that this practice does act ually exist. This does prove to some extent that ghosts do exist because some findings actually prove their presence using devices like EVPs. The existence of these happenings and bodies are even being studied using scientific technology.Science has progressed so well now and far today that it can accept multi dimensional realityviii. The entire scientific community has been shocked by Quantum physics due to its contrary to normally held scientific theoriesix. There are tests to measure and qualify the ability for ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) that is psychic. Such as, voices of spirits recorded on site of activity are being provided as evidence. This is called Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVPs). This is used to record voices that are made in the presence of ghosts. EVPs are therefore used as evidence to prove the presence of ghosts. Shocking and startling facts have been revealed by people who have experienced supernatural bodily experiences. Usually people say that the first sen sation of a presence is that the temperature around them drops considerably and it gets really cold. Various different kinds of sensitive machinery have been created by scientists to study this phenomenon. In fact, proofs have even been found in the form of photographs. For example, it is common to see pictures taken in a church or a shabby stairway where you can see a exhausted figure in the background or just dust in a picture. These faint figures are normally like a hand or maybe someones face or a entirely entire body. Such an instance usually has an adverse affect on the person experiencing it and also in rare cases it affects the person seeing it.As stated earlier, we see that psychic people who posses Extrasensory Perception and ghosts do exist. It is evident that ghosts actually exist as if they did not, there would not be much disputation and high debate about them. EVPs and video recordings that are genuine do prove the existence of ghosts. In some cases, these stories definitely cannot justify their existence. The proof is not enough. But, according to me the process of calling of ghosts should not be practised. This is morally wrong and also unethical at the same time. Spirits should be left at peace as we have no right to disturb them. To conclude, I feel that this practice should be banned and be conducted at all. There should be some legal action taken against the practice of the Ouija board. This might reduce instances of paranormal activity in the future.Word count 1397