
Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Willys failures Essay Example for Free

Willys adversitys EssayThe look is sure as shooting not but about the failure of an inadequate human being(s) there is far greater judgment to the story. One could argue that the play is as well a critique of the American dream, the idea that an ordinary person can just win succeeder without too much effort you just have to be well-liked as Willy puts it. It is Willys obsession with achieving this dream that leads to his monomania and his downfall. This could suggest that the dream is impossible to achieve and a person will only end up disappointed if they rely on it. It is after all only a dream and not reality. patronage Willys failure at achieving the dream, it does not necessarily mean that the dream is unobtainable.Miller uses many characters to show the going a instruction in success and failure in the American system. Charley, regarded as another normal person, is actually kinda successful under the American system. This contrasts greatly with the financial ins ecurity of Willy and seems to dispel the idea that this book is a critique of the American dream. The audience will think that Charley has achieved success in the American system it cannot be too badly flawed therefore. If you look at the play in far greater depth however, you will realise that the play is criticising the American dream. Charley did not sit around waiting for his wealth to just appear like Willy did who was fol paltrying the idea of the dream much more closely.Charley went out and worked hard to achieve all(prenominal)thing, willing to work from the bottom, and acknowledge that he was working from the bottom. This very different to the American day daydream Willy, who was too proud to accept a job off Charley and fails to admit, until further into the play, that his job is a low job, at the very bottom of the social ladder. The idea of capitalist values is also criticised in the play such as the way Willy is cruelly fired from his job by Howard to save money and t he way that as soon as Willy pays off the payments on his refrigerator and his car they break and he has to profane new ones. Miller is suggesting that although some may benefit from the American system, there are many that do not.It seems that Willy is almost certainly a failure in the play but one could argue otherwise. Firstly, the position that Willy is willing to give up his life so the family can benefit from the vast life insurance payout, seems, although rather drastic, actually sooner noble a man willing to die for the welfare of his family. It is certainly true that Willy loves his family and one could argue that the main reason for Willys downfall is the failure of his children to make anything of their lives especially Biff.Willy odours slimly responsible for their lack of success and this does not really show a huge failing on his behalf. Despite the affair, Willy loves his wife greatly as is seen with the guilt he feels when Linda repairs her old stockings. His of ten-ill treatment of Linda could be regarded as his own guilt and not his failure as a husband. Willy may not seem quite so much the failure as one might think.Despite this, Willy does fail in several(prenominal) areas. He fails to generate a good enough income to support a family and the situation becomes dire when he loses his job. He arguably fails as a father in that his sons are unsuccessful and when they were young he almost encourages them to steal for example. He also seems to fail as a husband in that he has an affair and he generally badly treats his wife. Willys delusion suggests a failure to hold onto his sanity and an inability to adjust with the times.I can conclude therefore that Death of A Salesman is certainly a ghost portraying of Willys failures. I disagree with the idea of the play being merely a touching portrayal however it is far more than that. We certainly feel sympathetic towards Willys downfall yet we also feel angry at his situation. Miller challenges the ideals of Capitalism and the American dream and this creates almost anger amongst the audience, who feel the abounding and great have cheated them. Millers use of a working class low man conveys the idea that every human being has dreams and ambitions not just the powerful man. His is a challenge to the Aristotelian tragedies of old in which it seemed to suggest that only the great kings could ever suffer. His challenge certainly succeeds.

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