
Tuesday, April 23, 2019

HRM INCIDENT 1 - Should He Be Fired Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

HRM INCIDENT 1 - Should He Be Fired - Case Study ExampleThere are certain situations that an employer needs critically to evaluate before deciding whether to fire or discipline an employee (Paetkau, 2007). Firing an employee means that an employee has to leave his or her job, while disciplining might mean suspending the employee with or without pay or resorting to corrective action based on the offence.Toni Berdit, area supervisor for Quick-Stop, a chain of convenience stores in Washington D.C was on his normal supervisory duty on one of the Sundays in the Center Street Store. According to the companys policy, when the strong is being emptied, the manager has to be present, and the employee present has to place each $ 1000 in a embrown bag and leave it on the floor next to the safe until the manager checks to be sure that the number is accurate. That day Bill decided to save the supervisors time, as he was not in that respect when the safe was being emptied so he had counted the property before he arrived. The store got busy, and Bill by luck mistook one of the moneybags for a bag that contained the customers groceries while packing, so he put the money in with the groceries. The supervisor arrived later on, and after noticing the money was missing, they began searching. Lucky enough the customer came back and hand the bag of money. Bill had violated the money-counting procedure, so he was prior to losing his job. He complained to Toni how this would have a good-for-naught impact on his family and even promised to be the best store manager they could ever get in case hes not fired. Toni then called his boss and after his approval, Bill was not fired.I agree with Tonis decision of not firing Bill. This is because although the companys policy was to terminate anyone who violated the procedure, it happened once and for the first time. Firing employees is not healthy for an organization because if Bill were fired, the company would have been pressure to

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