
Friday, April 26, 2019

Employee view and personnel of Nike Company Essay

Employee view and personnel of Nike Company - Essay instanceNike is not the beast that it is projected as, because similar situations exist in other footwear and garment units. They direct a system of rewarding their regular employees. After experimenting with cash and travel vouchers, Nike feels employees should be able to sucker the rewards that appeal to them (Lynne, 1997). Hence it now offers Virgin vouchers which include range of activities from flights to luxurious holidays and participants can focus on awards that appeal to their own aspirations. Nike offers its employees five weeks off with full salary and benefits to overleap the way they want (Browning, 2003). This helps the employees to spend time with their families or rethink career goals. Though this program was started in 1994, Nike is not sure how numerous employees have used it. In US Nike workers are given incentives such as Nike Bucks if they will walk, run, bike, glide or car pool to work while no such incen tives are available in Asia (Boje, 1998). Workers in Oregon work in campus like facility, receive top benefits and time off for deflexion and sports (Boje, 2001). They have employed about a thousand expatriates who travel the globe to ensure that code of manners and other norms are adhered to at each of their manufacturing units. There are about 600,000 subcontract workers, mostly women amongst 16 and 22, who provide the resistance to Nike corporate power and subcontractor practices. Nike considers its applicants as both customers and employees. It is able to attract the outdo and brightest employees.

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