
Monday, April 22, 2019

Traditonal Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Traditonal Theories - Essay ExampleThe classical criminologists on the other hand, argued that abominable behavior was as a result of rationalism thereby refuting claims of possession by evil pot likker (Barak et al. 95). Criminals thus pursue personal interests by committing crimes. Since criminals are rational, committing crime is a free will. According to Barak et al (95), criminals commit crimes to maximize their pleasure and minimize their pain. Crimes were punished through legal reforms which are musket ball and rational in nature. The positivist discipline of thought argue that criminals are forced to act by factors beyond their control such as biological, psychological and sociological factors thus refuting rationalism as a driver of criminality (Barak et al. 95). The criminals are seen as portraying abnormal behavior and thus punishment is aimed at congealing the behavior to conform to the norms of society. They are thus given reform treatment and social intervention. T he last school of thought emphasizes on inequality as the diver of criminal activities. They thus commit crime to correct the inequalities. Such crimes include activities such as financial manipulations and robbery. Such conditions are corrected through candid distribution of resources (96). White-Collar and Organized Crime The traditional theories can be applied to white-collar crimes and organised crimes.

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