
Saturday, May 4, 2019

What does Campus Safety Mean Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

What does Campus Safety Mean - Essay ExampleAmong the measures that the university has ensured in regularise to keep students at a school, safe is a network of 24-hour requirement telephones, night transport and escorting services, adequately lighted sidewalks, and limited hostel access by strictly the hostel occupants. Students have been made aware of all these services that the campus offers and most have given feedback of effective measures taken to adhere to all of them. Complaints of shortages of power in activities such as night escort have been initially raised by some(prenominal) students and the university took it into an account and promised to improve on the same.Despite the installed measures that the university has enforced in its surroundings, it is also paramount that students take certificate of indebtedness for their own security by not exposing themselves to scenarios that might promote insecurity. Such measures include using recommended pathways and avoiding trespasses, walk of life in at least a group of three and above when walking at night, pickings into account the universitys measures that promote security such as calling for escort and using the 24-hour emergency phones and knowing self-defense mechanisms. These measures could keep a student off any security threats and help repose the pressure on the university in providing security for the students.In case of attacks, the victims have an opportunity to go by dint of a healing process assisted by the MSU Counseling Center. With regard to this, the MSU Counseling Center has localize some procedures and processes that are used to guide the counselors in assisting victims with diverse effects from various insecurity attacks or similar incidences. These include group counseling and testimonies, one-on-one counseling, group therapies, assurance of future security, and advice on actions to divvy up in case of future incidences.

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