
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The popular english accents Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The popular english accents - Essay Examplestress is descriptive of pronunciation and not vocabulary or grammar. side loudspeaker systems who are not native to the UK hightail it to integrate the phonemic and intonation inventory into their English pronunciation from their mother tongue. Among the native speakers, there exist many an(prenominal) accents. Some of these accents from specific regions, for example, the Pennsylvania Dutch English, can be identified easily by particular characteristics. There are bring forward variations that can be found in the regions discussed in this delineate for instance, the towns that are found less than 16 km from Manchester like Salford, Oldham, and Bolton posses varying accents that all form the bodied Lancashire accent (Giegerich, 2011 p28). However, in extreme circumstances, they are different such as to be noticed by listeners, not from the area. People from various regions have a lot of room for misunderstanding the manner in which on e words pronunciation in a specific accent will punishing different when said in another accent. For example, the word petal when pronounced in American English is different from its pronunciation as pearl by the Scottish. Methodology This research will utilize a methodology that was first used by Ainsfeld and Lambert in the late 50s and early 60s. The methodology was further refined by Bourhis and Giles and involves the important feature of matched guise that employs one person speaking in deuce accents that are different (Yan, 2009 p716). All attempts were made minimizing the paralinguistic variables like number of hesitations and reading speed. However, paralinguistic variations do occur, despite this minimization on these variables. Therefore, it was important to consider this, especially because of the monotonous reading style in the recordings. The practice sound used in the study was meant to familiarize the listeners with the questions they were to fill in the questionnai re found in the appendix. The study was implicated in impressions that were created in listeners by the speaker. Often, it is possible to tell where the speaker is from using the voice alone, for instance, when one hears a stranger talk on the radio or even on the telephone. The listeners were given recordings of various speakers with the speaker saying similar things and were obligated to pay attention to the way the person sounded rather than the content of the obstetrical delivery (Yan, 2009 p717). After hearing each speaker, the subjects, were expected to take a moment to think and then process the questions in the questionnaire according to their impression. The subjects were not expected to take too much time in reply but were, rather, expected to give their first impressions with no wrong or right answers (Yan, 2009 p717). Discussion The unify Kingdom, probably, is the nation that is most obsessed with accents in the entire world. With accents that are believed to have b een shaped through many years of history, few nations that speak English have as many varieties of the language in a space as small as the UK (Donn & james, 2011 p25). The following were the accents that were identified during the study. Received Pronunciation This accent is the walk-to(prenominal) we have to a standard accent in the United Kingdom. While it originated from London English, at present, it has no specific region of origin. This accent is especially common in Oscar Wilde plays, Merchant ivory films, and Jane Austen adaptations. Received

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