
Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Homeland Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5

Homeland Security - audition ExamplePrecisely thirty days after the attack, a legislation was introduced by Sen. Arlen Specter and Sen. Joe Lieberman to signifier the Department Of Homeland Security (May, Jochim & Sapotichne, 2011)..The suggestion was, however, rejected by the Bush administration. Despite this rejection, members of the Senate went on atmospheric pressure it. Fortunately, after a period of about nine months, President Bush considered reversing his stand (May, Jochim & Sapotichne, 2011). This occurred in June 2002. The fatherland security act was passed, advocated for pulling together different federal agencies as well as offices to arrange the current newly formed Department Of Homeland Security. This department is led by Tom Ridge, its first off secretary (May, Jochim & Sapotichne, 2011). This body has significantly focused on federal measures to manage terrorism while var. to deal with other duties like border security, emergency and customs management.The De partment Of Homeland Security has some(prenominal) agencies that serve different purposes all aimed at ensuring safety and security in the United States. The first authorisation is the United States Customs and Border Protection. This organization is concerned with preventing counterfeit and foreign pirated goods from being imported into the U.S (May, Jochim & Sapotichne, 2011). one time any company has registered its copyright or trademark, it is required to record the registration with the Customs and Border Protection. The authorization also prevents terrorist weapons from entering the nation (May, Jochim & Sapotichne, 2011). It also serves to ensure security of United States at the ports of entry and the Statess borders. The sureness strives to maintain this defense even as it permit legitimate travel as well as trade that is pertinent to the nations economy. Particularly, the Customs and Border Protection agency is responsible for arresting individuals who attempt illegall y to enter the United

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