
Wednesday, April 3, 2019

They Travel For Sightseeing For Tourists

They Travel For Sightseeing For TouristsTourists. They run short for sightseeing, recreation, visiting and non-business activities. They want to squ are off about the customs, the history and the language of e re totallyy place they visit. They unremarkably be active in groups. We form to provide them with each information that may take up about the area, the transportation, any local events that may take place in the surround area etc. and to solve them feel at home. They are feel for recreational facilities, food and deglutition services and interior design. That signifier of customers are usually very price sensitive.Families. They usually travel on weekends and they want a short break from their every mean solar day routine. They are sounding for a quiet place to relax and enjoy their time. They are looking for recreational facilities, food and beverage services and the hotel should offer baby-sitting facilities, special meals for kids and an support team.The elder ly. They cant look after themselves as the years pass, so they are looking for a hotel with pleasant and friendly environment. We have to be manakin and patient with them and to look after them without loose them the impression that we behave on them want children.Business travelers. They are almost the most important travel market place for many city hotels and this is the reason why the hotels who target this market have designed specialised crossroads and services to cover their need much(prenominal) as a quiet environment. Most of business travelers do non like to remain in hotels beca using up after a hard day they prefer to stay in a quiet place to eternal rest and to relax rather than a noisy room in a hotel. Another thing that they worry about is their messages and how well the hotel can carry off this. We have to offer them facilities such as clashing space, computer services, profits gravel etc. Business travelers are usually not very price sensitive and of ten utilize hotels food (especially room service), beverage and recreational facilities. They considered desirable and profitable market and is an important segment beca utilization of its squiffy level of demand at high room rates.Delegates. Meeting and conventions usually attract hundreds of people and this is the reason why we have to convince the meeting planner to choose our hotel. They are looking for fast service and they dont like to stay in queues. Meeting and conventions have to do with people who go to seminars, trade association shows etc. The length of stay for meetings ranges from 3 to 5 days. We have to provide them a conference center for the meetings, computers services, internet access and when we have a large group few discounts are infallible because in this way we can attract them to visit again our hotel as leisure travelers. We have in any case to provide them in house banquet and cocktail receptions.Describe the importance of have a customer and the te chniques that should be used. evermore the first impression plays the most important role when a lymph node arrives at the hotel and influences the rest of his stay. The receptionists should always be warm and friendly when they checking in the guests to make them feel comfortable like at home. A advantageously greeting can make a guest feel better. A well-spoken receptionist by giving a smile of wel add together from a charming succeeds to create a warm and friendly nimbus besides has to be able to recognise the guests personality and to adapt in do to satisfy the guests expectations. Some techniques that should be used are keep warmheartedness bear on and smile, be clear in your speech and use a pleasant tone of voice, avoid speaking too fast or too slow, use the guests names, always be polite and kind, always pop out and end with a positive note, always be friendly, interested, helpful, neer mechanical, never different and never impatient. There is a big possibility that when a guest leaves from the hotel with a good impression he will come back and he will be a good advertiser for our hotel.Describe the guest adaptation process and explain its importance.We have to constitute several steps for the adjustment process. The guest registration process begins with the pre-registration activities which further the registration process, guests can verify personal data and the time of the check in the guests have only to sign the registration form. When the guests arrive we greeting and welcoming them and after we create the registration record and verify the guests identity name, the invariable address and the telephone number, the date of arrival and the departure, number of registered persons, system of payment, mountain pass and signature. After this process we assign the room rate and we establish the method of payment. We continue by issuing the room key and ask the guests for any special requests. When all these finish we escort the guest t o his/her room.The guest registration is important because by completing this form let us hunch over who stays in our hotel, especially during in an emergency situation. With guest registration we can also learn if a guest is a repeater, if he has already visited another hotel of our company. Also with this form we can find some information about the guest needs (in case that he is repeater), such as smoking or non-smoking room, allergies, any special requirements that he use to have.Explain what guest history files are and why hotels keep them. node history files are files in which the management records important information of all his regular guests and show any special requests and expectations that a guest have in case that the guest has stay once at the hotel. Hotels use to keep guest history files because these files help the management to improve the guest service and also to remind personal data of its repeater guests. These files contains enlarge of credit cards, the dat e of the first stay, how many times a guest has stay at the hotel and how many nights, how much the guest spent in the different departments, how much he has spent on each stay and the room types that he prefers to stay. Also these files record any special needs (newspapers) and preferences that guests might have.Explain up- exchange and the techniques that can be usedUp-selling is the use of specific words and phrases that will lead the guest to buy something he would not otherwise have bought. We can succeed in up-selling if we think that is a way of helping out the guest by offering him a satisfying solution to cover his needs. Some techniques that we can use when we selling a room areQualify the lead. Asking questions and try to understand exactly what your prospective guest is looking for, keep an eye contact and let him talk without interrupt him. Built a relationship and make your guest feel comfortable. By doing this you create a friendly atmosphere and gives you the advant age for a better sale. Make a presentation of your property. give brochures and prospects for what you offer and convince your guest that you know what you sale. You have to know your product inside and out and also to know your market area and your competitors rates. keep out the sale by asking for the sale. Dont be in rush for giving any discounts that probably your guest will ask, just focus on value. Follow up the sales visit by sending questionnaires. This is a good way to find out if your guest left live up to from your hotel and gives an indication that this guest might return in the future and also bring and other guests with him. A satisfied guest is an advertisement for our hotel.

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