
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Marketing communication

The brand that is going to be presented to the public is Armani. The marketing tool to be applied is such PR instrument as special event. Special event as a part of PR strategy is usually employed to enhance brand awareness, as well as to strengthen brand loyalty. Special event is also the best tool to draw attention of mass media and in a very gentle not pushing manner make media mention the event in their news blogs, cover stories or journal articles. The actual event is the presentation of new Armani perfume for women. Considering the fact, that the chosen brand is a luxury one, the event organized should maintain the spirit of luxury, comfort, exquisite taste and sophistication. The name of presentation is â€Å"Armani – you and only!† Since the target audience is women from the upper rank of society, the name should emphasize not just the femininity of each particular woman, but also her status, her so-called â€Å"chosenness†, i.e. the fact that she belongs to the circle of â€Å"chosen† best people. The name is important in PR and marketing communication, as it must reflect the main idea of the event; it should be simple but sound. The objectives of the event are: To create a news precedent; To draw media awareness and interest; To enhance brand awareness; To strengthen customer loyalty. The goals of the event are: To tell about new product entering the market under â€Å"Armani brand† – to show its advantages to target audience; To ensure initial try of the product; To get immediate feedback from target customers; To initiate mentioning the brand in media sources. Target audience of the event: celebrities – mostly women; journalists; market experts; company representatives. Planning process. First of all, it is important to find appropriate premises where the event would be held and appropriately equip and design it. The design must be consistent with the general strategy and creed of the presentation, thus it should emphasize the luxury and style of the brand. The location of the premises must be convenient and easy to find. Otherwise, the guest will not simply be able to present there. Moreover, it is also important to understand that all business and celebrity people are very bust. So, they will not spent their time trying to get to some unknown place. Secondly, it is important to make a list of invited guests. Special attention should be given to media representatives. It is crucial to choose TARGET media, which can be possibly interested in covering the event. Thus, for â€Å"Armani perfume† target media are: lifestyle magazines, journals for women, entertainment TV channels, lifestyle TV channels. It is necessary to take care of invitations and ensure that all the invitations are given to guests. Invitations themselves can present a marketing tool if design appropriately. Thus, it is recommended to use the services of first class design-agencies and polygraphists. No mail or e-mail is admissible to distribute invitations. It is preferable that invitations are handled by specially hired people. It will not only ensure that all our guests get their invitations, but also will emphasize the special status of the event. The third important point is providing for the proper announcement of the event. Both media and marketing support apply. First of all, it is important to launch a small preliminary PR campaign of informational character in order to stipulate the interest for future event. In order to provoke media interest, it is necessary to start acting about two months prior to the event implementing information campaign. This campaign should include: the rumors about future fragrance; short articles in press; commentaries of company’s management that somehow slightly touch the theme of the new perfume; Marketing campaign should be the logical continuation of the PR campaign started. Marketing campaign should be based primarily on advertising. It is preferable to use the following types of advertising: advertising in press – the target media sources that were mentioned above (entertainment; lifestyles; for women); billboards and citilights; Outdoor advertising is not recommended, since we deal with a luxury product, we need to choose adequate advertising carriers. However, it is very important to keep in mind, that it is very easy to cross the line and give too much information during this preliminary campaign. It would be a mistake, since all the essential and important the target audience must get visiting the event. Moreover, using heavy advertising it is possibly to provoke substantial interest of customers so that the latter would inquire about the product (having a desire to purchase it) at the point-of-sales and would be disappointed not be able to buy perfume. Thus, it is crucial to mention at the advertisement something like â€Å"Soon to come† or â€Å"In future in your stores†, just letting target customers know that it is not possible to buy the product right now. Announcing the event Three days prior to the event, it is necessary to write and sent to all target media press-release announcing the event. Press-release is a short description of the upcoming event. The obligatory requisites of press-release are: date of the event, place and time of the event, short description, key participants, the date when the release is written and sent, the contact details for journalists’ accreditation. Press-release not just tells about the upcoming event, but it is also used often by the journalists to prepare their materials afterwards. Moreover, press-releases can be posted in some media and informational agencies, what will ensure additional mentioning of the company or brand in media. Press-release should not be too big. It should short but clear. Press-releases are printed on the company’s brand style paper containing logo of the brand. The actual event At the date of the event it is necessary to make journalists’ accreditation writing: the name, contacts, media represented of the journalists present at the event. Provided with such a list, it is easier to track whether the info about the event was published or not. Another important thing to prepare is special press kit to handle to journalists during the event. The typical press-kit should contain: brief info about the company and the brand presented; agenda of the event; short description of the event (based on press-release); detailed description of the product. Press-kits help journalists to prepare their materials for coverage and increase the chances of the event or the brand to be covered in media. Moreover, press-kits can be also a marketing tool. Special leaflets and small booklets with info about the company and the brand should be in easy distribution, so that all visitors can take out such materials. This will ensure additional soundness of the company and brand. Evaluation The final stage of event organization and media support is preparing and sending-out post-release and monitoring media coverage afterwards. The post-release states in the past tense that the event took place and contains the short description of the event. Post-release are sent to all target media as well. The monitoring phase is quite important, since it enables us to evaluate how effective the organization of the event was. The media monitoring shows: how many articles, comments or other materials appeared in media after the event; what emotional character those materials have –positive, negative, neutral; what type media covered the event – magazines, TV, newspapers etc. In general, the effectiveness of the marketing communication of the special event can be based on: the number of visitors; the comments and materials in press; the width of media coverage; the volume of sales short time after the event. In such a way, special event organization should necessarily be supported by appropriate marketing communication that must contain both PR and advertising support. The essential instruments are press- and post-releases, press-kits and other marketing tools (info leaflets), advertising in press, billboards and citilights. An important post event procedure is media monitoring. References 1.   Applbaum K. (2004) â€Å"The Marketing Era† Routledge, New York 2. Brown S. (2000) â€Å"Imagining Marketing: Art, aesthetics and the avant-garde† Routledge, London 3.Cateora P. (1990)†International Marketing†, 7th ed. Irwin, Homewood, IL 4.Drucker P. (1977) â€Å"People and Performance† Harper College Press, NY 5.Eastman S. (2000) â€Å"Research in Media Promotion† Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ 6. Goleman D.(1997). â€Å"Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More than IQ† Reprint edition, Bantam, NY   

The Guide to the Perfect Date

Kendra Okey The Guide to the Perfect Date Do you think the perfect date would be going to taco bell? Or how about White Castle? The perfect date, as we all know it to be, would not be either of those two places. The perfect date would be something that was heartfelt and was meant to impress your date. The three things that would make the date perfect would be the occasion of the date, the location for the date, and most importantly the gift that was appropriate for the occasion.First, impress your girlfriend/boyfriend by planning the date on a day that has a special meaning to you and your date. Yes, we all go on those little dates with our boyfriend/girlfriend, but the perfect date would be for an event that means something. A special occasion could be an anniversary, Valentine’s Day, or maybe even a proposal. The second thing that would make the date perfect would be the location of the date. For instance, if you were going out for an anniversary, you would not take your dat e to White Castle.You would probably take them to a nicer restaurant like Applebee’s or Olive Garden. On the other hand, if you were going to propose to your date, you would probably take them to a really fancy restaurant like Eagle’s Nest. The third, and most important thing to make a date perfect, would be the gift you get for your date. For example, if you were going out for your two year anniversary, you would probably get your date a card with a sweet little not inside and a bouquet of flowers.However, if you were going out for your two year anniversary, you would probably surprise her with a card, a bouquet of flowers, and box of chocolate, and maybe even â€Å"pop the question† by the end of the night. Now that you know a little about the perfect date, I hope you can impress your girlfriend/boyfriend on your next special occasion. Just remember the perfect date is a special date that is meant to impress your girlfriend/boyfriend. Make sure you take them o n a special day, take them somewhere that is appropriate, and make sure you bring the perfect gift. If you do these things, you are sure to impress your date.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Design of Compact Dual-Band Microstrip Patch Antenna

Design of Compact Dual-Band Microstrip Patch Antenna for GPSK-PCS Operation Ho-yong Kim', Yong-nn Lee, Chung-ho Won, Hong-min Lcc Department of Electronics [email  protected] Univerrily hi-Dong, Yeongtong-Cu, Suwon-Si, Kyonggi-do, Korea email: [email  protected] com lnlraduetion In recent years, with the advance o f technology, the demand for an antenna operating a1 mutibands i s increasing rapidly. Such as GPS and K-PCS, The multi-hand antennas with one feeding pon use the multiple resonance technolagy[l] such antennal are difficult lo provide a good polarization efficiency for GPS signal reception. So the integrated GPSIK-PCS dual-band antenna using two feeding pan has been proposed in this paper. Referenced dual-band antenna using two feeding pon has matched poiariration of integrated system. [2] but it has large size. Proposed antenna uses miniafurizalion technique that is to insect ilits. This technique is to increase elecVlcal surface length by slits. [3-5] Operating frequency o f proposed Bntenna is greatly lowered by slit^. Meander line patch and square ring patch with four diu o f proposed antenna are about 70% and 50% ofreferenced antenna size. The proposed antenna composed of a low-profile cylindrical monopole with a top-loaded meander line patch for K-PCS Operation, and a comer-truncated square-ring microstrip patch antenna with four-slits for GPS ooeration. Pmposed Antenna Design The geometry and design parameter of the proposed antenna for compact GPSIK-PCS operation i s presented in Figure I. The proposed antenna has the common ground plane, but i s fed by separate feeding pon. The antenns for GPS-hand i s realized by using a corner-truncated square-ring microstrip patch with four slits. The outer side length and inner ride length are40mm(L,)and IZmm(&) ~ ~ p % t i d printed on a rubrtrale o f thickness 1. 6mm(h) and y, relative peminiviry (e, :4. 4). The middle ofthe substrate is removed for inner rectangular d i t area ( b x b ) of patch. Feed position for right-hand circularly polarized (RHCP) wave operation is placed along x-axis. and the distance of the probe feed away fram the patch center i s denoted as 6 . 6 m m ( / ) . The four-rlitr at the comers are of equal length I3. 5mm(S)and width Imm(w). Fig 2(a) shows simulated reNm loss of the proposed anlenna for GPS receiving antenna with various d i t lengths(S). It i s noted that the reSonant frequency rapidly lowered with increasingdesign parameter(S). In f h i ~ way, the excited surface current paths are lengthened in the propo~ed designs, and the operating frequency is greatly lowered. 0-7803-8302-8/04/$20. 00 IEEE 3529 02004 Also, the shorted meander line patch antenna with low-profile cylindrical monopole top is loaded at the center of square ring patch for K-PCS operation. For brbadband characteristic, cylindrical monopole has a large diameter of 6. 2mm(d,) and l e n ~ h 10. 7mm(h2). The eander line patch has a ride lengh Z l m m ( p ) and is connected to the common ground by two same shorting posh, which have a diameter of 2. 2mm(d2). By varying ofthe shorting ports diameter(d2), good impedance matching can easily be obtained. Figure 2(b) shows simulated retum loss for the p r a p ~ ~ e d K-PCS antenna with various slit lengthr(m,) of meander line patch. Meander line patch size can be reduced by increasing inserted slit length. Becaus e of the antenna for K-PCS operation interfere the axial mtio of GPS receiving antenna, the miniatufimion of GPS antenna is limited. According to the experiment, the patch size of GPS antenna for circular polarized operation must he over about twice the size of KPCS antenna with meander line suunurc. In the proposed designs, the bandwidth of3-dB axial mtio is about 13 MHz, which is much larger than that required for GPS operation at 1575 MHz. The measured axial ratio ofthe antenna for GPS operation i s presented in Figure 3. Figure 4 shows measured re† 101 of proposed antenna. The impedance bandwidths (. lOdB retum larr) are about lZOMH~(1744MHr-1864MH~)far K-PCS band and 60MHr (IS46MHr-1606MHz) for GPS-band. The isolation between the two feeding pons of the PCS and GPS elemenls is less than -17dB. Measured radiation panems of the proposed antenna at l8OOMHz and ISROMHz are presented in Figure 5 and 6, respectively. The K-PCS antenna radiation panem at IROOMHz shows a monopole radiation panem, 10 this fype of antenna is suitable for applications on a vehicular communication system. For the GPS anfenna at ISROMHz, good broadside band radiation panem is obtained. Far K-PCS operation the measured pea* antenna gains is about 2. 4dBi and t h c gain variations are within O. JdBi, for GPS operation the measured peak antenna gains is about 7. dBi and the vanations of gain does not exist. Conclusion Proposed antenna has a integrated slmcturc of microitrip patch antenna with two feeds for dual-band oprmtion(GPSiK-PCS). A low-profile cylindrical monopole with a shorted meander line patch i s loaded for K-PCS operation, which rhowr a linearly polarized monopole patkm with broadband characterirlic. Th e radiating clement for GPS operation is a novel square-ring microstip path with truncated comers with four slits, which provide circularly polarized braadrids radiation panemr. size reduction of proposed antenna is achieved by using slits. Meander line patch and square ring patch with four . lib of proposed antenna are about 70% and SO% of referenced antenna sire. As the proposed antenna has a compact size for dual band operation, it will be suitable for practical vehicular mobile communication antenna applications. R&E†Ce [I] R. Kronberger, H. Lindenmcier, L. Reiter, J. Hapf, † Multi hand planar Invencd-F C r a Antenna for Mobile Phone andGPS,†2714p-Z717p,AP confer. 1999 3530 [2] I. Y. Wu and K. L. Wong, â€Å"Two inlegraled stacked shorted patchantennas for DCSiGPS operations,† Micra wave Opt. Techno1 . Len. , Vol. 30. July, 2001. I31 S. Reed, L. Desclar, C. Terref, and S. Toutain, â€Å"Patch Antenna Size Reduction By Means Oflnductive Slots,† Micro wave Opt. Teehnol. Len. ,Vol29. Apri, 2001. 1 [41 J. Y. Wu and K. L. Wong, â€Å"Single-feed Square-ring Microstip Antenna wilh lruncated comers for Compact ~ircularpolarization Operation,† Electronics lea. , Vol. 34, May,1998. [ 5 ] W. S. Chen, C. K. Wu, and K. L. wong. I' Novel Compact Circularly polarized Square Microstrip Antennq† IEEE Trans. ,Antennas Propagat. , Vol. 49, March, 2001, L, = 40mm, L, = 12mm, S = 13. 5mm, t = 5. 74mm. IY = I n † f = 6. 6†³. p = Zlmnr, m, =ZOmm, ml =3. mm, d) = 6. 2mm, d* = 2. 2†³. d, =9. 3mm h, = 1. 6mm. h2 =10. 7mm Fib. 1. Geomelly and dimiiiimi ofthe pmpanrd a n t m i l for CPSIK-PCS operation. (a) The variation against parameter S (b) The variation againsl parmnster m, Fig. 2. Simulated return loss wilh v~riour ImgthsiS) nnd vsriour slit lengthsim,). slit 3531 I E 4 , d B ! -2 1. 560 1. 565 1. 570 1. 575 1. 580 .† -15 FrequanollGHz , I . 1. 5 2. 0 ~r4†³enwffi~ 2. 5 Fig. 3. The measured arid ratio. Fig 1 Measured r t b m loss of antenna. . (a) x-2 plane @) x-Y plane Fig 6. Measured radiation panem for GPS operation; f=1580MHz 3532

Monday, July 29, 2019

Chapter 29 to chapter 32 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Chapter 29 to chapter 32 - Coursework Example This implies that the ancient artwork of the African world is known to the contemporary world through monuments of the artwork. These monuments have been preserved throughout generations for the purpose of shedding light on the daily lives of the ancient Africans and for the general purpose of preserving important historical aspects. The art forms are also known through masquerades and museums where masks and other artworks are preserved and used in performances to convey important information concerning the community. The Rococo art style was first discovered in France in the 18th century. It was a continuation of a previous art style known as Baroque style. Rococo focused on the indulgence and lavishness existing in aristocracy. In contrast to other styles such as Baroque, Rococo was mostly characterized through opulence, lightness, playfulness and grace themes. It mostly focused on lighthearted form of romance instead of other aspects that included religion, and heroic battles that were common in artistry. In addition, the Rococo style revolved heavily around exterior settings and nature. This art style also reflected the society’s tendencies and its name was derived from two different terms that included Rocaille and coquille that meant rock and shell respectively. The other features of the Rococo style include elaborate scrolls and curves, ornaments with a shape similar to plants and shells, intricate patterns complex shapes, and delicate details. The paintings associated with the Roco co style were characterized with recognizable as well as overt erotic themes. Despite being different from other art forms such as Baroque, it still maintained their tastes with regard to intricate patterns and complex forms. Moreover, it was also characterized with asymmetric compositions as well as oriental designs. Realism and Impressionism were both commonly known artistry methods and that were

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Behaviour of MNEs and of Global Supply Chains Essay

The Behaviour of MNEs and of Global Supply Chains - Essay Example 15). It is the purpose of this brief discussion to explore some of the more salient views of economists on the behaviour of MNEs and global supply chains and how they affect the global economy. Effect of MNEs in emerging economies Theoretically, the MNEs fulfil a vital role in linking economies with each other, through the transfer of financial capital, knowledge and capabilities, ideas and value systems (Meyer, 2004). Controversy attends, however, the effects of MNE activities on the development of the local economy and the social welfare of the host country residents. It is acknowledged that MNEs may transfer advanced technologies and best practices to emerging economies where it has subsidiary operations, while local firms may benefit from positive knowledge spillovers from the operations of MNEs. Knowledge spillovers are different from knowledge transfers because the latter are intentional and are targeted at the local subsidiary, while spillovers are not deliberate, and the bene ficiaries are the local firms other than the subsidiary. This positive development is tempered, though, but the possibility that the MNE may crowd out local firms, and cause a reduction in competitiveness in the market. Furthermore, MNEs may impose their strong bargaining position in relation to host country governments, in order to obtain concessions which minimize the social and economic benefits which should have accrued to host nations (Stiglitz, 2007; Bansal & Hoffman, 2012). Global standardisation versus national differentiation/ fragmentation in the supply chain At the centre of the debate concerning MNE’s impact on host countries and their environments is the pressure towards global standardisation as against the local tendency towards national fragmentation (Bansal & Hoffman, 2012). According to the integration-responsiveness framework developed by Bartlett and Goshal (1998, 2002), MNEs are compelled to integrate their operations globally because of customers across different countries have common needs, and it is by centralized decision-making and standardized products and practices that the MNE could more efficiently and economically meet the demands of its global market. Among external determinants of MNE global standardization are home and host country pressures as well as those influences that cross borders. Complications relating to the varying availability of materials, technology, skilled workers, and other resources across countries impacts upon the decision of MNEs whether and how far to standardize and integrate. Early in the development of the global economy, significant heterogeneity of host country regulations forced MNEs to adopt different policies to adopt to each country and culture. More recently, however, national governments have concentrated on attracting foreign direct investments (FDIs), raising concerns that developing countries would lower their barriers to trade and FDI, and to keep environmental regulations low to att ract MNEs to set up production and infuse investment in the country (Bansal & Hoffman

Saturday, July 27, 2019

American football culture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

American football culture - Research Paper Example Additionally, its fame also emanates from the game’s inclusion in learning institutions like colleges and even states arranging for other professional events like â€Å"world champions† (Carroll, 2003). Mainly, American football’s unique way of sporting prompts numerous fans to gather, with the intention of witnessing what they usually refer as a military encounter. This is because of its â€Å"violence† besides domination by male gender though presently females have developed an interest in it, though they normally act as cheering squads. American football compared to other games like baseball it has a fascinating history and culture besides its â€Å"violent nature†, which presently has led to its immense popularity in America (Duncan, 2004). American football origin The game initially did not have well-structured rules meant to govern players as well as enable the players to play with those from other towns (Carroll, 2003). Therefore, each town p layed using their own rules, though they maintained two sides of dozen players. The mode of play entailed clearing the ball from one’s own goal towards that of the opponent, which required much physical contact, hence use of energy. Initially, players used to play barefooted, which earned the game the name of â€Å"Football† and spread rapidly after diverse states harmonized their varying rules. Early Cultural importance of the game Football game became one of the most thrilling and essential game in the American society after its harmonization of rules. Hence, giving rise to the socialization of people where fans supporting one team developed a certain bond of friendship and belonging (Carroll, 2003). This bridged wide gaps that were their before and yielded to a more closely-knit society especially among the football fans. However, racism was still evident especially among those people who did not have much to share with other races (Crothers, 2012). Besides, the foo tball competitions also acted as an opportunity for Commercial Corporations to advertise their products, for example, vehicle manufacturers and tourists’ firms. Mainly, this was via sponsoring diverse games’ activities thus contributing to the effective planning of the matches. Educational institutions also took this advantage to advertise the prowess especially during interschool or college competitions (Crothers, 2012). Modern entertainment industry This period characterized the â€Å"golden age† in 1920s. Contrary to other earlier periods, the responsible authorities made the game’s rules more advanced and refined, which ensured increased control during the matches (Carroll, 2003). Hence, there were fewer cases of casualties than those witnessed in earlier times. This led to the aspect of professionalism especially after 1920s where players were able to use their talents to earn or supplement their living (Duncan, 2004). This was not evident in earlier times where players specifically played out of pleasure with no intention of earning anything except to win trophies for their teams or institutions (Carroll, 2003). Consequently, professionalism yielded to the modern day entertainment due to the media focusing on broadcasting all competition events (Crothers, 2012). These ranged from educational institutions to interstates’ clubs or associations competitions. Modern football specialization started after 1920 when the four Midwestern regions convened at Canton with the intention of merging their rules

Friday, July 26, 2019

Service Request - HR Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Service Request - HR Systems - Essay Example The information gathered from this group of stakeholders is highly imperative since they act as the core connection to all other members of the company (Stellman & Greene, 2008). Information gathering is a very vital stage in ensuring that the Human Resource system is a success as it acts as the focal point to capturing the right set of information expected to deliver the precise functional requirements for the system. In order to achieve this, the following set of information gathering techniques are proposed for the project. Firstly, Interviewing, a process that employs both one on one and team based data capture from the expected users of the system will provide a wide set of relevant information for the project. Secondly, the Joint Application Development method that utilizes conduction of workshops with the key stakeholders of the system will ensure that the stakeholders are willing and motivated to providing relevant information. ... the system and then testing it against the expected functionalities guarantees that all important information regarding system functionality is captured and put into proper use in the system (Stellman & Greene, 2008). Since the ability of information to satisfy its targeted users to the highest degree lies on information analysis, the following data analysis tools are proposed for the project. The Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) is a data analysis tool that is highly significant in performing a thorough analysis of statistical information gathered. Thus, the SPSS perfectly fits for this project, as it will provide well-organized information about the services to be offered by the system. In addition, the Statistical Analysis System (SAS) is further proposed since it can play an important role in aiding programmers with information retrieval from existing software, data management and quality improvement (Stellman & Greene, 2008). Thus, the above proposed data analysi s tools are very essential in making sure that the information gathered is precisely analyzed with emphasis laid on meeting the user requirements. As aforementioned, information gathering is a key determinant of the system’s success. That is, it aids in clarifying the set of both functional and non-functional requirements for the Human Resource system. When the right information as regards to the expected functionality of a system is gathered, it provides great room for the system to function as expected by its targeted users (Stellman & Greene, 2008). In this sense, the following factors act as the driving ends to ensuring that the information required for the project is successfully gathered. Planning is a very crucial factor in information gathering (Stellman & Greene, 2008). It aids

Critical Thinking Discussion Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Critical Thinking Discussion Questions - Essay Example Then the decision made is clear and understood. This is not true when decision making includes people of differing backgrounds, experiences, and ethics. The way the United States handles wounded on the battlefield provides an ethical dilemma for some. The United States treats all wounded from the battlefield regardless of what military unit, insurgents group, or country they come from. These wounded are categorized not by who they are but by how wounded they are and are lined up for care (for surgery for example) based upon the seriousness of their wound and their optimal chances for survival. Other countries or peoples are often stymied by thistheir beliefs are to treat your own and leave the enemy to die so they don't live to fight another day. 2. When are group decisions better than individual decisions When are they not better Provide examples of effective individual and effective group decisions and explain why the method (individual vs. group worked well in the situation). Sometimes group decisions are better than individual decisions because each person in the group brings their perspective to the table for consideration. In the American judicial system you can choose between judge or jury to hear and decide your case. If you choose the judge your odds are 50-50.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Health Care in California Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Health Care in California - Essay Example Unfortunately, a large number of Americans cannot afford to finance the cost of health care, which has escalated in the past few years. Although Medicare and Medicaid health care system have been helpful in ensuring the provision of quality healthcare to every American, the system is not completely universal. This is true because most Americans still lack health insurance coverage. Although the Obamacare Act has attempted to improve health care quality to the people, California Health Care Foundation (2014) report shows that the system is discriminatory since it is selective and benefits only a few groups. California is among the states with the largest numbers of residents without health insurance. Unfortunately, the majority of these poor is low-income earners and cannot afford to finance their medical bills whenever they fall sick. Therefore, to improve the quality of life of the Californian people, there has been an increased need for the instantiation of health care reforms to e nsure universal coverage for all residents of California. This document will discuss the various health care reforms initiatives that have been implemented in California in the last three years. California is one of the most populous states in the country. At the same time, California has one of the highest numbers of people without health insurance cover. Accordingly, millions of Californian residents have not been able to receive the quality of healthcare they need. A California Hospital Association (2014) report shows that the majority of Californian residents are not receiving the care they need despite the state spending large amounts of money per individual on health care. Reports indicate that California, like most other states in the country, has underutilized preventive care, a situation, which has resulted in large spending on treatment. A CDC report also indicates that state has not prioritized offering quality health care services to its

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Evaluation of the Long-term Strategy of Starbucks Company in China Essay

Evaluation of the Long-term Strategy of Starbucks Company in China - Essay Example This essay delivers critical assessment of the plans of Starbucks company to strengthen its China operations with the help of the PESTEL analysis utilization. Globalisation of production and investment in recent years has led to a situation where long-term capital inflows from advanced economies to developing economies is taking place at a rapid pace. No doubt this has contributed immensely to the economic growth and development of these nations. In this process while on the one hand global knowledge is being used locally, at the same time local societies too are moving towards a knowledge society with an increased level of locally produced knowledge. It is still widely believed about the developing world that most of the knowledge and the transition societies are produced outside the region. The later half of the 20th Century saw dramatic growth in industrial production and in the mass consumption in developing nations. The Starbucks company was found in 1971 in Seattle’s Pike Place Market today it has its presence in 36 countries outside United States. It is offering more than 30 blends and single origin coffees, hand-crafted espresso and blended beverages. Company’s mission statement says, â€Å"Establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow.† Having established itself as the world’ leading brand, the company now wants to strengthen its market in China, a big consumer market, the land of billions and vast opportunities. ... Growth of industrial output in countries like China and India during this period was robust and to some extent the process of catching-up also began in the technological field (Linsu Kim, 1997). The process is thus called "imitation to innovation" approach. Well Starbucks, the coffee can only be enjoyed in the cool company of a friend, while relaxing after a days' work, or while preparing oneself for the day full of assignments. It's not like any other product or service, which we can order on its e-business website. But nonetheless, the company has an attractive presence on the net with http://www.starbucks.com/ which informs the coffee lovers about the varieties and processes available with Starbucks. The website basically has the following sections; Our Coffees: This section tells about the range of Starbucks coffees and company's expertise on the subject. With a details menu of its varieties available in Latin America, Africa, Arabia, Asia and some multi regional blends, the site encourages the visitor to at least have a look at it in any one of its locations. Our Stores: This tab spills the beans about different locations where the patrons of coffee can have a go at it. Starbucks Card: The Company also issues 'Starbucks card' to its customers, which serves as a means of rewarding the loyal customer. This is a co-branded card with Visa and calls on the consumers to earn more and more Starbucks "Duetto Dollars" with every Visa purchase through this card. At Home: Here the site gives us information about how we can enjoy Starbucks at home with little help from our nearby store. For Business: This section calls for business opportunities with other corporate clients and how one can open a Starbucks coffee outlet with the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Differentiated instructional strategies in practice Assignment

Differentiated instructional strategies in practice - Assignment Example Quick essay assessments and test question are based on the topic taught in the classroom. And main focus would be on the new ideas that have been taught in the classroom. Informal testing is done my asking random questions to the students regarding the topic covered in the classroom. Testing is the dependable strategy for post assessment as it helps to determine student’s weak and strong areas. Question 2 One of the main advantages of using pre-assessment approach in the classroom is that teachers already know the information that are required to know about the students. Pre-assessment is vital for every teachers because it helps to find out student’s needs and strengths. Post-assessment is done know what students have learned during the process. K-W-L chart is one of the strategies of pre-assessment that helps to know the level of understanding of the students. Testing strategy is one of the post-assessment strategies that help to test the knowledge acquired by student s. The purpose and necessity of assessment of learning is to provide feedback to both learner and teacher regarding the progress of the learner. Written or verbal feedback given to the students regarding their performance is primarily descriptive and identifies challenges to next steps. This feedback can be used by teacher which would help to develop further instruction. Modification of instruction that can be done on pre-assessment: Student should do study sheet and should write a summary before the start of the lesson. Making flowchart of the working progress of the student. To express previously acquired knowledge concept map should be created. Offering details feedback during the process of learning. Modification of instruction that can be done on post-assessment:... Differentiated instructional strategies in practice Differentiated instruction is based on the belief that every student can learn at their best and gain necessary knowledge when they can make link of relationship between their diverse experiences and curriculum activities. Learning at the highest level occurs at the time when students are pushed to go further from the point where they don’t need any assistance. Rather than teaching simply by giving a single avenue for learning, teachers use differentiated instruction for every gifted student. Differentiated instruction requires acknowledgement, commitment and proper planning due to the fact that experiences and diverse ability can create huge impact on the learning process of students. Differentiated instruction helps students to engage in the classroom by interacting and participating in a higher way (Gregory & Chapman, 2013). All the students have different strengths, learning styles and abilities. Classroom activities help every student to adapt to meet different styles and abilities. Differentiated instruction helps students to encourage for challenges and complexity. It provides task that has various levels of difficulty and complexity that helps every student to increase readiness level. Differentiated instruction helps students to support their interests and choices. It helps to provide multiple chances for every student to study and an array of extensions and application that’s helps students to enhance learning.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Athletics In MacGregors Sporting Landscape Essay Example for Free

Athletics In MacGregors Sporting Landscape Essay However, using tactics which corroborate teamwork and competitive factors which in theory will motivate students to strive and increase their participation levels. 1. 0 Introduction This report will provide a detailed analysis of the participation of athletics in Macgregor’s microcosm as the societal norm believe that the status quo is â€Å"uncool†, it is known that the position of Australia’s porting landscape is very weak as there is a lack of participation within Australia as a whole This can be answered by a simple formula created to find the reason why some sports have a lack in participation in mainstream society today, Figueroa’s framework, this formula is divided into Levels listed in the following Cultural, Structural, Institutional, interpersonal and individual levels, nonetheless, it Is concluded that it is up to the individual of whether they decide to participate in Athletics or not. 2. 0 Figueroa’s Framework The social factors that influence an individual’s decision to participate in Athletics may indirectly or directly impact them by shaping their values, attitudes and beliefs. Knowing this the individual may find themselves being subjective to the people and also the certain factors they face in society ranging from cultural differences to peers to themselves. Sociologist, Peter Figueroa, develop a framework that analyses the equity of social resources that can also be implemented into the participation of athletics. . 1 Individual Level It can be argued that when it comes to equity and access issues, the individual level is the most important. This is because, while all levels of Figueroa’s Framework can identify how equity and sporting opportunities are presented to an individual, in the end it is the individual’s choice that will determine his or her access and level of participation in physical education. Kiss, 2012) This level is specific to Macgregor’s sporting landscape as it highlights the lack of participation in students; nonetheless, these decisions about sport and physical activity are ultimately made by the individuals Genes, values, attitudes and personalities which are specific to each individual. 3. 0 Action plan In Macgregor’s deteriorating athletics program, the lack of participation in the carnivals can link to many reasons why they don’t compete in such events. Study shows that the majority of students would prefer to sit and chat with their friends instead of competing in athletics, however, to allow students to participate, an action plan was developed to; in theory create a more fun and enjoyable carnival thus increasing participation levels, using successful methods utilized in Australian sports such as Cricket, NRL, AFL, etc. The ideologies used within these sports can be integrated within the society of Macgregor’s microcosm shaping the status quo of Macgregor’s Athletics program in a more positive, enjoyable way. . 1 Justification of Action plan Throughout sporting history there are various techniques to strive for in order to have a successful carnival, the majority of successful sports share many similar techniques to better improve the participation of athletes in Australia such as making it more interactive for the audience thus improving their participation rates; for example, in tennis they implement a board that measures the speed of the serve for each game as well as the Olympics which show the world record for each event. nowing this; a supposed board that lists all the records of each event is shown publically pre-athletics carnival and during for students to observe and in theory become more motivated and strive to train and compete in the events believing they are able to break that record thus improving participation rates. Secondly, the appearance of famous sporting athletes have known to improve the participation of sports for example, NBA players frequently appear in many occasions of street basketball games as it obviously creates publicity, however, also improves the participation due to the fact that this allows the ‘average basketball fanatic’ who normally would watch their idol from the comfort of their own television, but in fact they are able to play side by side with their idol increasing their moral and motivation to play. This can also be implemented in the athletics carnival by having the famous athlete participate and motivate the students to join in and also create a slight sense of competition. Finally, it is a fact that Australians love to play team based sports as listed, AFL, Cricket, Football, NRL, Soccer, Basketball, Rugby League are in the top 10 Australian sports; this is 7 of the 10 sports that are shown. With this in mind, Students would be required to form groups of 3 and compete in the athletics carnival, with a twist; each event would hold a certain amount of points varying on the position the student places, 10points for 1st, 7points for 2nd, 5point for 3rd and participation will be worth 2 points. The team that scores the highest points will be rewarded with a prize, such as vouchers, etc. 4. 2 Links to survey results The action plan created was based on a census of the whole school to observe whether they would participate in athletics and their reasons to not. To justify the particular choices created in the action plan by showing the statistics which have guided the development as the spikes in the statistics assist in improving the participation by surveying the trend. The reason a record chart was implemented as it adds a competitive flair and students receive social rewards within the athletics carnival as 19% of students feel that there is no reward for students if they win the events, this will help students strive for the record instead of just trying to win. A massive 27% of students feel that they are not good enough for the athletics carnival and believe there is no point to participate and simply just socialize with their peers, with the appearance of a famous athlete; students would be motivated to part take in the events as the special guest can provide moral support and advice to improve their technique, etc. during the carnival as they can join in with the students. By creating team based events the 80% of students that prefer team sports are able to participate and at the same time fill the social void according to the 25% as they strive to motivate fellow teammates and allow each other perform better overall, also considering the 66% that would participate in the carnival if their peers were to join in. (Buckley, et al, 2013) 4. Links to research material including the individual level of the framework The research gathered of Figueroa’s framework on the individual level, it is realised that students values and beliefs are to strive for competition and rewards, as these factors have been fulfilled it will allow students to participate in a more enjoyable way, due to the fact that an individual’s values and beliefs reflect directly upon their parents, siblings and peers, however, it is proven that the individual learns to behave through the experience they have accumulated from mainly their peers, also the fact that students view the sports society in a ‘boring’ manner, they often assume they cannot socialise with their peers which majorly affect their participation rates. 5. 0 Conclusion

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Global Presence Of Zara Commerce Essay

The Global Presence Of Zara Commerce Essay PESTLE Analysis is a type of situation analysis where we need before starting market decisions or business plans. It is extremely important to identify the external environment. The only way to accomplish our goal is through a PESTLE analysis which contains six factors that influence on a business: Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal. Besides it is also very important for a company to be fully awake of the actions their competitors take. These kinds of factors change constantly. It is no surprise why every time we talk about fashion the same name always comes up: Zara. The largest and the most famous Spanish clothing company in the world. There stores covers almost every continent in the world. The Zara Company was established in 1975 by Amancio Orgega, Zara is the flagship of Inditex (Industria del Diseà ±o Textil, S.A.), the company is located in Galicia, the north-west part of Spain. In a relatively short time frame Inditex has become one of the biggest clothing retailer in the world with 2,692 stores spread across 62 countries worldwide by the end of January 2006. In addition to Zara which accounted for 66 percent of the groups turnover in 2005, Inditex owns seven smaller store brands: Bershka (avantgarde clothing), Pull and Bear (youth casual clothes), Massimo Dutti (quality and conventional fashion), Oysho (undergarment chain), Stradivarius (trendy garments for young women), Kiddys Class (childrens fashion), and Zara Home (household textiles). Political Factors The government and political parties are accountable for evolving the political environment in a country. The chief silent factor in a business is government; they can help an industry by using the form of policies. Zara has been present in Spain, and merely one more main distribution centre for Europe. In addition, the political help that is provided for expansion of the business in other countries must be assessed critically. Because European countries have predictable and safe economic environments, Zara has choices to expand its business around Europe. And these are some of the most important pull factors that give a clear definition of the internationalisation of Zara include: The 1986 admission of Spain in the EU; The globalisation of the economy potential economies of scale; The homogenisation of consumption patterns across nations Zaras believes that national frontiers are no impediment to sharing a single fashion culture The eradication of export obstructions and the growth of Information Technology. (Lopez Fan, 2009). As we know already Zara is a Spanish company so establishing a new branch in another country and all the terms which are related to taxation are political factors for Zara group. The political emphasize on the role of goverment and its effects on our company, and also extent of participation in a political situation. For example Indian government is willing to provide foreign investment in their nation; The Company Zara was provided an open market by India. However the government of India has its own policy which is to be followed by companies as Zara which formed a joint venture with TATA (Shah, 2011) Economic factors Production not transferred to low cost locations: Zara resisted the famous in industry trend to produce fashion cheaply in countries like China. Zara states that this offers more control as it controls most of its steps on the Supply Chain, the design, manufacture and the distribution of products (CNN, 2001). In the UK, half of what products Zara sells are made in Spain, a quarter in the rest of Europe and another quarter in countries in Africa and Asia. For example, longer shelf life clothing such as t-shirts is outsourced to cheap suppliers mostly in Asia and Turkey (Business Week, 2006). Zero Advertising Policy: The rarest company policy is the policy not to advertise. While Zaras competitors mostly rely on expensive advertising campaigns, Zara prefers to invest into opening new stores instead (CNN, 2001). Producer of nearly 11,000 items annually: There is a large product range in the Zara Company. While the competitors of Zara produce about 2000-4000 items annually, Zara produces a whole 11 000 items. In addition brand loyalty is built and an increased number of customer visits as a result of Zara changing its designs every two weeks. A customer visit in Spain on a high street in Zara is 17 times a year compared to 3 times in the average street stores. (The Guardian, 2002). Shortening Product Life Cycle: While the designing of a new product and getting it to the stores by industry takes 6 months, Zara needs just 2 weeks to do the same (Business Week, 2006). To recap, Zara breaks all the guidelines, but it seems that using this strategy proves to be very successful, because Zara is considered to be one of the largest stores in industry. Social Factors Growing of income: People began to look for a high quality and comfortable life when their disposable personal income rose. A wide market share is provided to Zara from this kind of trend. Personalized consumption turns into the mainstream of society. A major guarantor of Zaras success is a small amount, variety, cheap. Fast Fashion: When talking about the strategy of design, an article in Business world Magazine defines it as follows: Zara was a fashion imitator. It focused its attention on understanding the fashion items that its customers wanted and then delivering them, rather than on promoting predicted seasons trends via fashion shows and similar channels of influence, which the fashion industry traditionally used. There will be a depreciation of 0.7% of fashion goods every single day. A new product, from its designing to manufacture, logistics operation and the final sale, needs only about 2 or 3 weeks in Zara. Affordable Fashion: Fashion has received attention by a growing number of people. However, only a small amount of people can afford it because fashion is a masterwork of top designers. By tracking these fashion elements, the designers of Zara design their own product in order to make it affordable to most consumers (Badu, 2010). Technological Factors RD and Production 1. Fast production: Zaras deliveries take up to 6 weeks instead of 6 months which is usual for their competitors.(Ghemawat Nueno, 2006). 2. It is easy for Zara to control their suppliers since they amount to 20. These 20 suppliers account for 70% of Zaras production. Other companies for example have 200 suppliers or even more. Logistic 1. Zara have their own distribution centre with an order to delivery time of 24 hours for Europe and 48 hours for USA and Asia (Tokatli, 2007). 2. The shops receive two deliveries from Zaras distribution centre. Which gives the shops the opportunity to have low inventory and a high turnaround within the shop (Lopez Fan, 2009) (Ghemawat Nueno, 2006). Flexible Supply Chain 1.Zara is vertically integrated and controls its entire production chain. An effect of great importance of the control is the re-reducing the bullwhip effect. (Ghemawat Nueno, 2006) 2. Zara has very short lead times. The Agility of their supply chain allows Zara to deliver from product design to the final customer within 2 weeks for repeat models or 5 weeks for new products (Mazaira, Gonzà ¡lez, Avendano, 2003). Environmental Factors Zara tries to help the sustainable growth of the society and the environments which it interplays with. This dedication to the environment is a fragment of the Inditex group corporate social responsibility policy. Objectives and Actions: At the sores: Zara puts a lot of effort on eco efficiency at their shops. Energy saving is one of the key approaches to ecological preservation the company embraces. Another approach is the development of efficient management models for their stores that proposes some restrictions or changes to be carried into effect for all of the companys processes, from the design of the store itself, the lighting and heating or cooling system equipment, to the possible recycling of furniture and decoration. Zara stores offer only paper or biodegradable plastic bags. About 90% of the bags Zara gives out to customers are papermade. 1. Waste reduction and urge to recycling Every year Zara processes millions of hangers and security tags. In addition both the cardboard and plastics used are recycled. 2. Increasing awareness among the team members Zara heightens all their employees awareness of the need for sustainable practices such as trimming energy consumption, using sustainable transport or modifying habits. With the product 1. The company uses mostly ecological fabrics, like organic cotton. Zara Supports ecological agriculture and uses organic cotton in the manufacturing of selected clothing items(100% cotton, completely free of pesticides, chemicals and bleaches). Due to their distinctive label such products can be recognized very easily at the stores. 2. Producing PVC -free footwear Zara does not use any petroleum derivatives or non-biodegradable fabrics for the production of their footwear. In the transportation Zaras fleet of Lorries ship over 200 million pieces of clothing per year and use 5% biodiesel fuel, which results in lowering the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere by over 500 tones Animal welfare policy All of the animal products, including fur and leather sold at Zara stores is supplied only from animals grown in livestock form and never from animas killed by poachers for skin sale. (Zara, 2010) Legal Factors Plagiarism Plagiarism has become a hug problem in the fashion industry. Trends are very often imitated and cheaply as well as illegally sold in the street. Global expansion Since the European has a smoothly operating trade and legal system which facilitates business operations in member countries, other countries around the world do not provide the same reliabilities . In communistic countries loss of a private run business to the local government is highly probable. Conclusion: Zara has had a very successful history from the moment they opened their small Spanish dress shop, and as we can see now the little-known brand has grown into a leader of the apparel market in less than 30 years. Now the footprints of Zara is nearly everywhere. The big design group, unique strategy, environmental management idea and other operational strategies make Zara success. This PESTLE analysis seeks to improve our understanding of the firm. The research has examined the internationalisation process of the firm with a special focus on motives, entry options and international marketing strategies. The main drawback that arises in a single case study is that of limited validity and representativeness which constrains the potential for making generalisations (Creswell, 1998). Another limitation is that the study was based solely on secondary data. However, this case is deemed adequate to provide good insight, and establish the avenue for future studies.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Personal Narrative - Hit by a Car Essay -- Injury Disability

The Living Shadow I want a lot, and there's a lot I don't. But I'd rather I not want at all. To want - such a human thing to do! You know, a trait of those organic markers who demarcate and deface—then there are those gray areas. Like an epidemic, the smears spread from one to another.. I apologize. I'm making the murky waters murkier. To elucidate: A yellowing calendar page materializes before my own eyes. As I ponder above the black-and-white chessboard splashed with gray, I glance as an inexplicable draft flattens the page momentarily over a dusty dividing line. The page reads, "August 18, 2008." Immediately, the sheet transmutes into a pane of glass. Nonchalant, I stare as the pane rises up over me, and shatters against my head. The glass pieces disintegrate upon impact, and I stand among showering particles, examining my new environment. The board has become a garden, one partially teeming with life and mixed with utter death and destruction. I reach out and lightly grasp a blurry leaf. Did I touch it? Did I imagine it? As if in answer, I feel it—and then, it's gone. I went into a coma on that day. At least, that’s what they say. They say I was crossing a street near my school on the way to my home. I was jay-walking. More correctly, I was breaking the law. Yes, the irony soaks that calendar page. Yes, a car hit me, sending me flying. No, the actual impact wasn’t that damaging. Two fractured clavicles, I think. But obeying the laws of gravity, I fell. Apparently, my head landed on a concrete edge. More correctly, the back of my head collided with stone. Yes, that was damaging. A debilitated cerebellum, I think. Since my brain stem incurred damage, it meant that I would possess a physical disability for... ...I raise my pen and jerk it downward. Paint is a temporal dress at best, right? At the moment before the knife-like tip strikes a knife-like slab, my movement is halted. Flabbergasted, I try again. What else if not the same end that meets me? I relax the utensil. It’s an unspoken rule: I can’t know some constitutions. A draft inexplicably evinces, and as a reminder, a page materializes: ‘What matters,’ it states. â€Å"Life matters,† I retort. What I believe is life, is what I see—what humans see—and what they see defines what they choose to do: it’s the human way. I choose to believe what is important. And what a human thing to do! So be it, I am an organic marker. I spread the epidemic. Just an organic marker, scribbling and smearing. The murky waters stay the same, as I run my course. Like an unspoken rule, physical constraints run with me. It’s the human way.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Chapter 4 of Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay -- Mary Shelley Franken

Chapter 4 of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein In 1816 the famous gothic novel ‘Frankenstein’ was begun, Frankenstein was largely successful because it was the first sci-fi novel that anyone had ever seen. The Gothicism that this genre is meant to expose is very good because it really is written to evoke terror in readers and show the dark side of human nature, and of course another reason the novel was a success, was because the author Mary Shelley had a first hand experience of the death that this book precedes. Mary began the novel in Italy after staying with Lord Byron and after a discussion about science they challenged each other to a ghost writing competition, Mary’s mother died soon after Mary was born. Mary had two children that died and one was called William, these experiences of death were mirrored in Mary’s novel. Also reading journals from her husbands early life, he wanted to be a surgeon, and after talking with him and the family doctor where she thought up the idea of using electricity to bring corpses to life. In this essay I will be writing the about atmosphere of the chapter, the facial contrasts of the creature, Frankenstein’s dream, the creatures intentions, the creatures special request, the prejudice against the creature and the destruction of Frankenstein. Frankenstein hysterical reaction towards his creation, I will show you is prejudice and unjust. At the beginning of the chapter 4 Mary Shelley starts off by setting the scene of Frankenstein’s workshop, the aura created around the scene was shown as sinister and dreary, I comprehend from the text that it was a rainy night by the following quotes, â€Å"It was on a dreary night of November.† â€Å"The rain pattered dismally against the... ...re children how they should be looked after or else the child will grow up the same way he was brought up in a non-caring way, and also that everyone in society has responsibility to the helpless and needy, because they too want to be helped and accepted by others or they too will feel unable to manage with the life that was brought on to them. It also shows that no matter what, there will be prejudice found in your lifetime and they will be prejudice towards you, but in this novel Frankenstein’s creation was called The Monster, but he is only misunderstood the real monster in this novel is Victor Frankenstein himself, and all the torture he went through he brought upon himself. In conclusion, you have a responsibility towards everyone else, and your actions you hold may be brought against you if you cannot bring yourself to show the correct moral ethics.

Racial Tensions in South Africa Essay -- Racial Relations, Racism

History of South Africa South Africa has large varieties ethnic backgrounds; unfortunately for them none of them are allowed their chance to shine because of the cloud of racism that has over shadowed their history. Like the United States, South African countries are built for the success of whites before any other ethnicity. This can be found in the countries politics and economics alike. For over 300 years this racism has occurred. Around the 1940’s South Africans have coined a policy for this racism, â€Å"apartheid†. In English apartheid can be translated to â€Å"Apart-hood†. (2) This will be touched about in more detail later. Like the United States, South Africa has had to deal with centuries of racism, the problem being that South Africans racism doesn’t seem to be depleting as fast as other countries in the same situation. The first sign of â€Å"civilization† to take place in South Africa began in the mid 1600’s when the Dutch East India Company formed a cape colony. (3) It wasn’t long before the colonists were in need of workers to help farm their rapidly expanding settlement. So like many countries of their time, they went with the route of slavery. Naturally the best candidates for this position were natives to South Africa. Slaves weren’t a necessity, but they were very convenient for the newly settled Dutch (2). The Dutch continued to govern South Africa until the English took over in the 18th century. Fast-forward to the 20th century where racism is just as relevant as ever, and in 1910 new laws have been passed regarding segregation. These laws in 1910 â€Å"expanded racial segregation† (2). A big part of the new law was that whites were now able to seize land owned by black farmers. Also around this time the gov... ...dignity’ required adhering to a code of social and gender behavior appropriate to a ruling race. There was a moral base for antagonism towards blacks: 'It is Nature's deep-seated provision for racial integrity. It is the voice of evolutionary experience speaking within US Similarly, John L. Weston of Brandfort, wrote approvingly of vigilante justice in the US South. He wrote of white Southerners he had known who were highly intelligent, respectable, sympathetic and reasonable, yet who became demented when a "Black Peril" (Plaatje, 1982) case occurred within their reach. This, he argued, was a healthy and virtuous reaction; it is the very capacity of the white man's mind for good that causes this uncontrollable indignation'. He predicted that lynch law will sooner or later be introduced here as it has been in the USA unless heroic steps are taken without much delay.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Is Sharing Caring or Not Essay

Want to wear Gucci for a day? or maybe own a Ferrari for a week? Wondering how? Just like how you rent DVDs with a slight modern touch to it, mobile technology(you should have seen this coming) Can’t believe it? The future beholds us the sharing economy. What is the sharing economy? BBC defines it as â€Å"Everything from cars, central city parking spaces and designer clothes to accommodation are available from individuals and companies that are making billions from providing easy access to what people need in a difficult economy. However let me make one aspect very clear, this isn’t just all related to saving money (I know it is surprising in a money minded world like ours. ) Apart from helping people live in unstable economic conditions, some of those already using such an economic structure are utilizing it to conserve resources and save the planet. It will help you feel like a â€Å"better† person by saving the community taking simple small steps. You don’t want to own all those fancy electronic equipment in your households and not use it. Simply, hire one when you need it! In this technological age where you don’t know what to expect tomorrow (maybe your mobile generating a visual image in the air, it is very likely that â€Å"tomorrow† might apply in the literal sense here) you can use the sharing economy with transactions that can be made quickly through a cell phone app or a web site. This is very convenient and accessible at the same time. Wait a minute†¦ This looks too good to be true. Wondering what the drawback is? 2012 looked galaxies away for retail outlets in the world. However now, it looks like the doomsday for massive retail outlets is closing by. In simple words, the end of consumerism. If consumers can hire almost anything they want what will happen to retailers, what can they sell? It is obvious that this won’t be seen as a rapid change, but the effects can definitely be seen in the long term. Here is a fun fact,†Researchers say that we only use our cars eight per cent of the time and we spend billions on the space where we store stuff that we almost never use, such as power tools. They also say the sharing economy is expected to be worth $110 billion within the next few years. â€Å"No Pain. No Gain. † Consumers can get items for cheaper exactly when they require it conveniently, but lose jobs at the same time. It is time for every company to gear up, hire IT wizards, and make their e-commerce absolutely world class. The day you want to ride that Bentley or rent the finest villa for a day to spend with your family isn’t far.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Marketing Evaluation

MARKETING PLAN military rating WORKSHEETS Your t request is to describe and evaluate the foodstuff excogitation of an automobile brand and pattern of your choice. For the merchandise aspect of your evaluation tenseness on a crabbed place not the whole go with for manikin consider the Chevrolet Camaro, not GM as a whole. For the perspective psycho abridgment you entrust need to consider more than honest specific model, i. e. what is the positioning of GM as a whole and how is this imp exerciseing the flip of your particular model. You focus should be primarily Canada eon recognizing that for the office compend especi aloney, thither may be issues globally (e. . world economy) that go out be relevant. These worksheets argon designed to assistant you in your project. Worksheets be a effectual tool because they help to ensure that big in coiffureion is not omitted from your evaluation. Answering the questions on these worksheets result enable you to 1. Organi ze and mental synthesis the data and information you collect during the situation analysis. 2. Use this information to bettor find out your squiffys strengths and flunkes and to recognize the opportunities and threats that exist in the trade environment. 3. fall upon if goals and objectives that capitalize on strengths. . come in if a selling system that creates warlike advantages. 5. constitute and critique a plan for implementing the market system. By downloading these worksheets in an electronic format, you will be able to vary the outline or add supernumerary information that is relevant to your situation. Remember that thither is no one best federal agency to organize an evaluation of a merchandise plan. The outline was designed to provide an analytic framework and to be flexible bounteous to accommodate the unique characteristics of the comp all(prenominal) you be reviewing.It is possible that not everything in the worksheets will apply equally to your telephoner. You could start by reviewing Figure 2. 6, the overview of the market planning exhibit found on page 62 of the text. You should also review Table 2. 2 and appendix 2 of your text. As you terminated the worksheets, you should refer back to the text of the chapters as suggested throughout. In completing the situation analysis section, be sure to be as comprehensive as possible. The vi efficiency of your analysis depends on how well you father identified all of the relevant environmental issues.Likewise, as you sodding(a) the analysis, you should be perfect and rea distinguishic just astir(predicate) the slosheds characteristics. Do not attribute strengths to the firm that it does really does not possess. Being accurate also goes for your diagnoseing of weaknesses. I. Executive thickset The executive summary is a abridgment of the overall evaluation. The executive summary is easier to salve if you do it last, after you seduce scripted the entire evaluation . In clude a description of the intersection point, the target market, and the need for it in the market. You should give an overview of the main points of your evaluation.Most measurablely, keep in mind that this is your probability to sell your merchandise plan and entice your audience to exhibit the details of the report. Company Description and introduce from Corporate Strategies (pp. 45 54) Include a description of the companys late history and successes and touch briefly upon the dodge for the organization as a whole. This may include elements such as boot Corporate objectives Strategic Business whole (SBU) objectives (Figure 2. 1 on page 46 illustrates the stages in formulating a outline for the company as a whole. )III. Situation analytic thinking A situation analysis considers the indwelling circumstances of the organization or yield, the foreign environment, competitive activity, and characteristics of the node that may be relevant to the marketing plan. A situ ation analysis includes Internal analysis environmental analysis Customer analysis warlike analysis A. Internal digest analyze of marketing goals and objectives Identify the firms ongoing marketing goals and objectives. State whether these goals and objectives argon Consistent with the firms missionConsistent with juvenile alterations in the marketing or customer environments Leading to expect exertion outcomes ( gross sales volume, market sh be, profitability, awareness, brand preference) polish of current marketing performance separate the firms current performance compared to other firms in the sedulousness. Is the performance of the industry as a whole ameliorate or declining? Why? If the firms performance is declining, what is the close to likely cause (e. g. , environmental diversitys, blemish strategy, poor implementation)? come off of current and anticipate organizational resources Describe the current situate of the firms organizational resources (e. g. , financial, capital, human, experience, relationships with place suppliers or customers). How are the levels of these resources likely to castrate in the forthcoming? If resource levels are expected to change How bottomland the firm leverage additional resources to worthy customer needs better than competitors? How back end the firm compensate for future tense constraints on its resources? brushup of current and anticipate cultural and structural issuesIn terms of marketing strategy stopment and implementation, describe the imperative and negative aspects of the current and anticipated glossiness of the firm. Examples could include The firms overall customer taste (or lack thereof) The firms emphasis on short vs. long-term planning Willingness of the culture to pass over change Internal politics and designer struggles The overall position and impressiveness of the marketing function Changes in key executive positions General employee satisfaction and morale B. envi ronmental AnalysisReview Chapter 4 Economic Growth and stableness Identify the general economic conditions of the country, region, province, and local anaesthetic area in which the firm operates Political, Legal, and regulatory Issues Identify any political activities that call for the firm or the industry Changes in elected officials (domestic or foreign) Industry (lobbying) groups Consumer groups Changes in Technology Identify ship canal that ever-changing technology has dissembleed the firms customers Identify moods that changing technology has affected the way the firm or the industry operatesIdentify current technologies that the firm is not using to the fullest dominance Identify future technologies that may amplify the risk of product obsolescence Sociocultural Trends Identify changes in societys demographics and values that will affect the firm or the industry (if this becomes too broad, focus on the firms target customers) formulate the changes that shifting demograp hics and values will have on the firms Identify any problems or opportunities that may be created by changes in the cultural diversity of the firms customers and employeesIdentify any ecological issues (pollution, recycling, energy conservation) that the firm or industry is facing Identify the honourable and social state issues that the firm or industry is facing C. Customer Analysis Review Chapters 6 & 7 there are seven general questions that marketers should ask about their customers 1. Who are our actual and potence customers? 2. Why do they debase our product? 3. Why do others not bribe our product? 4. Where do our customers buy our product? 5. How do they buy it? 6. When do they buy it? 7. What do they do with our product?Who are the firms current and probable customers? Describe the grievous identifying characteristics of the firms current and capableness customers Demographic geographic Psychographic harvest-festival usage Identify the important players in the greas e ones palms process for the firms products Purchasers (actual act of purchase) Users (actual product user) Influencers (influence the decision, make recommendations) Financial responsibility (who pays the bill? ) What do customers do with the firms products? Where do customers purchase the firms products?Identify any trends in purchase patterns across these outlets (e. g. , how e-commerce has, or could, change the way the firms products are purchased). When do customers purchase the firms products? Factors nether the firms control Factors not under the firms control Why (and how) do customers deal the firms products? Describe the basic benefits provided by the firms products relation back to competing products Describe the degree to which customers needs are being fulfilled by the firms products congener to competing products Describe how customers needs are expected to change in the future.Describe the relative importance of transactional (short, one-time) vs. relational (long- term, ongoing) exchange processes when customers make a purchase Why do potential customers not purchase the firms products? After say these seven questions, then you can come out at segmentation and positioning analysis (see p. 267 for positioning analysis and positioning maps). D. belligerent Analysis (pp. 121-12, 295, 387) Identify the firms major competitors (brand, product, generic) Identify the characteristics of the firms major competitors List any potential (future) competitors not identified in the preceding.IV. grind Analysis The previous analyses should have reveal the essential elements for a SWOT analysis. This is essentially a summary of the previous findings, and its format may shed further lightheaded on the current company situation (pp. 62 63 see chalkboard Things to consider for a SWOT and PESTEL analysis also review concepts from Comm 101). A. Strengths Strength 1 _________________________________________________________ How does this strength enable the firm to meet customers needs? Does this strength make the firm different from (better than) its competitors? Repeat as required to develop a bring to pass list of strengths) B. Weaknesses Weakness 1 ________________________________________________________ How does this weakness maintain the firm from meeting customers needs? Does this weakness make the firm different from (worse than) its competitors? (Repeat as requisite to develop a bring about list of weaknesses) C. Opportunities Opportunity 1 _______________________________________________________ How is this probability related to serving customers needs? How can the firm capitalize on this opportunity in the short- and long-term? Repeat as needed to develop a complete list of opportunities) D. Threats Threat 1 ___________________________________________________________ How is this threat related to serving customers needs? How can the firm prevent this threat from confine its capabilities in the short- and long-term? ( Repeat as needed to develop a complete list of threats) F. Matching, Converting, Minimizing, and Avoiding Strategies Describe ways that the firm does or can match its strengths to its opportunities to create capabilities in serving customers needs.Does the firm convert its weaknesses into strengths or its threats into opportunities? If not, how can the firm minimize or avoid its weaknesses and threats? Does the firm possess any major liabilities (unconverted weaknesses that match unconverted threats) or limitations (unconverted weaknesses or threats that match opportunities)? If so, are these liabilities and limitations distinct to customers? Can the firm do anything about its liabilities or limitations, especially those that impact the firms ability to serve customers needs? V. market targets and Strategies from your analysis, what do you translate as the companys marketing objectives? A. trade Goal A __________________________________________________ Objective A1 _____________ _________________________________________ Be as specific as youre able. Objective A2 ______________________________________________________ Be as specific as youre able. B. securities industrying Goal B __________________________________________________ Objective B1 ______________________________________________________ Be as specific as youre able.Objective B2 ______________________________________________________ Be as specific as youre able. (Repeat as needed to develop a complete list of goals and objectives) VI. selling Strategies based on your observations of the company activity, what are the marketing strategies being pursued? A. master(a) Target Market and Marketing strut (pp. 106-109) Primary target market ________________________________________________ Review Chapter 7 This targets primary need Identifying characteristics (demographics, geography, psychographics) get/shopping habits and preferencesConsumption/disposition characteristics output _____________________ __________________________ Review Chapters 8 & 9 major features and benefits Sustainable competitive advantage eminence / positioning strategy Brand observe and packaging Customer service strategy Complementary products Pricing ________________________________________________ Review Chapter 10 Pricing objectives Description of per unit be Discount/markdown policy Distribution ____________________________________________ Review Chapter 11 General supply orbit strategy Intermediaries and channels to be useElements of customer convenience Promotion _____________________________________________ Review Chapters 12 & 13 General IMC strategy IMC objectives and budget Elements of the advertising/publicity strategy Elements of the personal selling strategy Elements of trade sales promotion (push) strategy Elements of consumer sales promotion (pull) strategy Elements of the sponsorship strategy B. Is there a Secondary Target Market? If so, repeat the above analysis VII. Marketing Impleme ntation A. Structural Issues What organizational social system is being employ to implement the marketing strategyDescribe any changes to the firms coordinate needed to implement the marketing strategy (e. g. , add/delete positions, change lines of authority, change reporting relationships). B. Tactical Marketing Activities what is the company doing specifically to implement the strategy that you have identified? Specific Tactical Activities Product Activities 1. 2. 3. Pricing Activities 1. 2. 3. Distribution Activities 1. 2. 3. IMC Activities 1. 2. 3. VIII. Evaluation and construe A. Formal Marketing Control Describe the types and levels of formal control mechanisms that should be used to ensure the implementation of the marketing plan. thickset and Conclusions Write approximately one to troika paragraphs summarizing your analysis and providing a broad overview of the key actions recommended.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Moral psychology Essay

Moral psychology Essay

Psychology is a subject that is broad, so you prefer to locate a subject which allows you to adequately cover the topic.Students often cited how this fact as anunaddressed weakness in Professor Waddock’s analysis. b. The average level of moral reasoning good for the Danish auditors in the study was a p-scoreof 35.48, which corresponds to a conventional level of moral reasoning.Psychology overlaps with a total number of different branches of psychology, in addition to other areas, like linguistics.† Based on Kohlberg’s categories, this implies that many internal auditors in thesample will be heavily swayed by client preferences, and that regulatory pressure/compliance threats will be important in affecting auditors’ judgments.c. The arguments in Paper 1 assume that medical ethics can be taught, and yet the evidence inPaper 2 suggests how that many auditors who have received a business elementary school educationare still operating at very low levels of m oral reasoning. Therefore, students’expressed concerns about whether ethics can really be taught in non formal business schoolsettings.

If youre discussing a research or theory comparative study make sure you cite the informations origin.d. Students completing this whole project provided many examples of possible dilemmas. Common few examples included concerns about client pressure on difficult accountingissues, independence issues, the direct relationship between tax and audit services, andinterpersonal dynamics (including early age and gender issues, and concerns about technological how tohandle the inappropriate judgments of colleagues).In terms of plans for handling thesituation, any reasonable new plan was deemed appropriate for purposes of assigning points.Morality could possibly be part fundamental to those three, also it might be important to a single kind of evaluation than another.If the opportunity logical and also given proper encouragement to good practice a inner awareness of morality, but most private individuals will create a balanced morality to direct their day-to-day interactions keyword with their own world.

Detecting a topic for check your study can be hard, but how there are a number of methods that are first great to think of thoughts that are intriguing.Do logical not make the error of writing all of the info you know regarding a specific topic.It is important to select debatable essay topics as you want opposing points youll counter to your points.Moral values not allow people to red lead lives, but in addition provide a feeling of own satisfaction in life and inspiration.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Olympic rent-a-car company Essay

stocky exceptional is a US claim-a- machine ships tack confront both(prenominal) changes in the commercialise it operates. A competition smart set ( enterprisingness) is ever-changing its consignment schedule. exceptional managers pay to valuate the shock absorber of those changes and to woof out actions in straddle to move flop to those changes without losing mart packet and if mathematical winning public assistance of the situation. The stand of this composition is to treasure those changes and to ex take to the woods a testimony to resolve to these mart changes. foodstuff comp culminationiumThe elevator rail rail appearance simple machineriage simple machine engage persistence in US is a $24 wholeness one thousand thousand billion patience decree by 4 mammoth(p) thespians, endeavour, cycles/ secant, AVIS and surpassing with the observeing(a) trade gross functions enterprisingness is the plethoric player with 50% sh atom ic procedure 18 ($12 billion) followed by cycle per second with 24%, AVIS with 14%, exceeding with 7% and the any(prenominal) new(prenominal)wisewise 5% atomic human body 18 sh atomic hail 18d out by sm altogetherer players.This backing is heavily mutualist of the boilersuit state of the deli truly and since the b all(prenominal)-shaped crisis of 2008 were in that location was a 6,5% run a commission in gibe grosss, the receiptss atomic exit 18 re do good since 2009 increment in the midst of 2 and 3% all(prenominal) stratum. This tax in puzzle enhancement enhancement yield is oer referable to the maturation of bells quite a to the harvest-feast in the exit of clients. in that location argon 2 unloosenhand foodstuffs for the hire automobile melodic line, the drome lettings and the topical anaesthetic anaesthetic anesthetic leases.The drome term of a contracts modify with 50% of the jibe taxation ($12 billion) and argon sh a tomic elaborate 18d into blank and telephone circuit clients. be ar high imputable to fees remunerative to the aerodromes that lie in 10% of the gross nonnegative the inflexible fees for counters.The local anesthetic renting contri hardlyes with the different 50% ($12 billion) and the important clients ar indemnification companies. The counters atomic be 18 located at car dealerships and amend shops. green light and Hertz argon the main(prenominal) players in this foodstuffplace and chastise has very much than than 50% sh argon.This manufacture is heavily fermentd by the fitting of the car shoot to occupy and amid 2008 and 2012 in answer to the world-wide crisis the come bite of car term of a contract cars was vitiated by 0,5%. guest compendIn 2012, 27% of US adults (proximately 59.400.000 citizenry) rented a car and the main renters were the avocation plumpers. In 2012 airport grocery store, 20% of the travelers were commercial opening line travelers and gave telephone circuit to 80% of the receipts and the other 80% of travelers were void travelers and interpret 20% of the revenues. normally handicraft travellers make up much than unfilled date travellers. This is primarily beca wont leisure travelers devote subatomicer per twenty- iv hour period charges as they travel in trim revenue old age, do pre picturened trips and to commitment political platform redemptions. billet travelers work to fetch points in wrinkle change of location and to pass those points in leisure change of location.crosswise this industry, hire car companies tend to use the true platforms to school blood amid speak toumers. all(prenominal)(prenominal) comp any has its bear course but they atomic number 18 all in truth similar. The client dos points depending of the outlet of eld they rent the car and they likewise put on receive out upgrades. The clear points apprize be claimed and excha nge for letting geezerhood. In 2013 opening changed the path their guests shit the the true class points. Customers that genuine points base in the number of eld of utilization at present bid points base on the gold they spend. This style that they earn more than points hot. usually clients dresst feel any strain of travail to enter in commitment course of studys. Anyone that rents a car contribute be a portion depending on the number of age they rent, as issuing people are members of several(prenominal) the true political weapons platforms as they rent in contrasting companies. The renting the true chopines are non authentically differentiating term of a contract companies they are a exclusive right for clients.In 2012 10% of exceeding customers were members of surpassing medallist course of study and these customers provided 21% of the revenues. They paid for 3.996.000 geezerhood and claimed 375.000 needy eld. This performer $323.4 00.000 of revenue come from members of prodigious medal winner syllabus, to this revenue we relieve oneself to take withdraw the unbending be, the apologize long time address and the program advertizement appeals ($28.000.000). The glacial terms is 20% of $21 ($4,2) reckon by the integrality letting geezerhood and bear on $1.575.000 and the dispatch geezerhood exist is adequate to $7.629.552. This turn overs an scotch pass judgment of $233 per exceptional medalist program customer.The continual customers correspond 79% of revenues that transmute into $1.216.600.000. The ingrained letting daytimelights for these customers are 24.681.000 and these years acquaint a comprise of $103.660.200 (24.681.000 x $4,2). there are to a fault the publicize salute of ($108.000.000 $28.000.000 = $80.000.000). Subtracting to $1.216.600.000 the versatile live and the advertizing be we end with $1.032.939.800. Dividing this honor by the summarise numb er of habitue customers (11.052.000) the scotch take account of the mending customer is obtained and stirs to $93. The conclusion is that fealty program clients even fetch a big stinting influence in the revenue body bodily structure. companion depth psychologysurpassing is one of the four biggest self-drive companies in the US with a distribute of 7% of revenues hagfish is the subalternest package of this group. The family as chosen to be a coadjutor and has unceasingly harmd dismay than Hertz. It has 464 term of a contract locations and a lapse of 108000 cars that watch in the caller-up for 8 to 18 months. The income per car is or so on a cut down floor de industry norm and the ground for this per feel the control condition of airport counters that engender more be to the order than a local counter.surpassing has trip upn an procession on its revenues for the erupt out 4 long time and in circumvent 1 we shadow see an emergence of the last(a) dough from a pass of $15 one million million million in 2008 to a realize of $32 million in 2012. The main primer coat for these results is the connection tractableness to change its car slip by to solicit (table 2) as tumefy as the translation of the number of counters the fellowship has (table 3). passThe good word is that prodigious u-drive doesnt follow the opening move outline. intimately 1,45% of the supply renting old age of 2012 intricate fire long time and a escape out day respect be around $21 to privateness the remediate comprise and the payment to the franchisee. Of the 108000 cars pass on each car was rented most 232 years per year. With this data we stern calculate the descend letting long time. native letting old age are satisfactory to 108.000 x 232 this agent 25.056.000 rental geezerhood per year.The 1,45% of the hail rental age give us the bring giving eld per year in 2012 this contribution even ups 363.312 inge nuous eld that cypher by the hail of a ease day ($21) leave give us the greet of all the assuage eld in 2012. The kernel cost for the let go age is equal to $7.629.552.If prodigious decides to defend the endeavor produce, the number of give up geezerhood leave behind attach to a cherish surrounded by 1,65% and 1,95% of append rental age this centre a number of impoverished age betwixt 413424 and 488592 and an accession of fire days per year between 50.112 and 125.280 days, this heart an amplification in cost of the programs supererogatory days of $1.052.352 to $2.630.880 (1 million to 2,5 millions make up of unloosen days cost per year). Considering that the direct pass on not join on a muckle this fashion a light up drop-off of 3 to 8% of intact profits. This undertake is pregnant for a phoner that has a small operating roomal gross profit of 15,8%. The way prodigious responds to the first step porta provide be vital in the lucrativeness of the union. twinned the enterprise offer leave alone rifle to an plus in the cost and no attach in securities industry place make out is guaranteed.Since no liberal infer in imply is predicted, pursuance the opening move strategy would simply represent a 3 to 8% simplification in profits, exceeding give the gatenot hold this slightening due to the trap direct margin. Beside this, the kick the bucket of exceeding self-drive is very surface alter to de bring and implementing no dimout days would believably let some majestic medalist clients unsatisfied. Enterprise has a great pass off and purchasable cars this agency that it can afford not having blackout days.The change magnitude practise of the net income to liken outlays and to harbour do forget subside the inscription programs greatness and effectiveness. one-third society consolidators the online price comparisons and bookings bring a great relevance to prices t he car rental companies practice. This go forth assume the companies obedience programs effectiveness. By focal point on price, customers leave alone chose a car rental political party by the price of the service taking to a second plan the obedience programs benefits. This mean that Olympic should tension on international cost drop-off in order to forbid dour the prices and thus deduct proceeds over the competitors. In the succeeding(a) the confederationthat has the cut back prices go away dominate the securities industry. single other food market lean is the diminution of vocation travelling and the ripening of earnings ground communications. This path that in in store(predicate) you-drive companies exit demand less concern travellers, at this blink of an eye these clients are the operose users of verity programs, and the leisure clients go out arrive at pitch on the revenue deal.Olympic should prolong their consignment program essent ially due to the stinting nurture of the committal programs customers ($233) much great them the firm clients ($93) and rectify the program by offer other word form of benefits that could improve the market cleverness of the program. nigh of these benefits could be faster pick up and drop off time for the program customers. on the way the company could quantify their obedience program customers economic abide by and alter to the anticipate drop-off of consignment program vastness by diminution free rental days and utilize the savings of this decrement on rental price reduction. Since loyalty programs wear upont benefit fear companies Olympic offer the chance to this benignant of customer to convey between the loyalty program benefits or a reduce in price. This should sop up more biggish companies barter stateing the small and separate appoint.To reduce the cost structure Olympic should also try to gain market in the local business prevail by Ent erprise and Hertz, this would cooperate to repress the large be associated to the operation in airports. This way Olympic could gain market share of a market dominated by 2 companies, maintain their business market share imperil by the teleconference trends (shift to insurance) and to improve the global cost structure by taking prefer of the lower cost associated to this soma of counters.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Marketing Management – Toyota

Toyota forces conducting shuffling for cross fomites by geographic post ( europium) 1. 0 administrator comp margininal The Toyota Motor troupe leads to pass on to be the knowl spring domain- multitudey grocery attraction in the auto manu detailuring fabrication. ein truth bewilder the stratums, Toyota has man senior(a) to authorize the leader of this attention by heart and soul of its guidance structure, dismiss racy-octane fomite cloth body and rivalrous de preconditionine found on globular grocery know guidege. Toyota has complete that environment e precise in tout ensembley authentic mathematical intersection points were ask to batten down act ships fel lowlyship (and gross r make upue) emergence in the prox.Toyota has been actively mitigate its ampere-second whole t i since 1998. Annu eachy, Toyota has been publish its environmental and loving Sustain mightiness idea in piece to conjure up disclosure of informat ion regarding environmental actions elevator political machineried stunned in wholeing with its corporate activities. d genius untold economic and spic-and-span shutdown output bends it has crucify its environmental adjoin. Toyota besides seeks to be the merchandise leader for so called foray (or park) vehicles much(prenominal) as galvanising Vehicles, crossbreeding Vehicles and Plug-In crossbred Vehicles.This grocerying course of study bequeath call down Toyotas system with regards to green vehicles, with crabby pen to champion geographical location, europium. This selling frame testament rush a approximate count on at how the atomic number 63an complication ope grade deep down Toyotas orbiculate structure and how it reflects Toyotas general view of a dry-cleaned, much m early(a) up to(p) hereafter. 1. 1 reverie Toyota realizes that its incoming lies in the short letter of environmentally certain motor machines. Toyota s hallucination of a antiseptic succeeding(a) revolves much or little(prenominal) two principal(prenominal) points. Firstly, the occupation of vehicles that arrive a smooth dissemble on the environment.A big with speckless(prenominal) versions of its gas pedal cater gondola autos, Toyota believes that the companions avail in the sit and forthcoming lies in its b companionship of galvanizing, crown of thorns and Plug-In crossisation Vehicles. done this disembowel of vehicles Toyota bequeath be actively simplification environmental bear upon by producing clean automobiles for consumers to phthisis. Secondly, Toyota believes that to eliminate-up the ghost its goals towards a tidy future, it moldiness endlessly deform to crap catch its fruit lines level unspotted. In circumstance, since cc2 Toyota has managed to reduce the capa city employ or the proceeds of vehicles by 40%, bodge proceedss by 50% and piddle ingestion by 70% (Toyota Motors europium Sustainability describe 2011). both(prenominal)(prenominal) of the supra points lapse under a earthly c at oncern(a) doctrine called The Toyota room. As analysed by Liker (Liker J. , 2004) this holistic philosophical system maintains motorcardinal tonality principles which Toyota has ad selective to come more(prenominal)(prenominal) or less its clients what they remove, when they want it, in the close melloweder(prenominal)-octane agency feasible whilst difference the down in the mouthest mathematical light speed footprint. Toyota similarly believes that unceasing evolution gage be achieved by transcendent its customers expectations.In item the Toyota spheric website(2012) states our pose is to rest and turn in to the way out of those we treat 1. 2 Objectives Toyotas main objectives argon verbalize distinctly in its Sustainability fixate-up (2011). The give tongue to cogitation outlines a ball-shaped vision, to be i nfluence home the bacon by the year 2020. Toyotas peeled world-wide trance 2020 comprises of lead main pillars * trinity the mode to the future of mobility, which is our nub line. * locate to select, innovation, environmental fortress and by doing so, make cars that pack love. make our packs dynamism and petulance to perpetually let out a fracture track (Toyota Motors europium Sustainability hide 2011) 2. 0 rate of flow foodstuff thick Traditionally, Toyotas in the beginning center on the US and Nipponese grocerys. The atomic number 63an grocery store is a plum radical addition to Toyotas gross r pointue portfolio. Although the europiuman commercialize for cars has seen a tight turn in late(a) historic period, Toyota shortly holds a 4. 2% piece of the bestow car foodstuffplace. In 2011 score gross revenue in europium amounted to 822,386, 10% of which were interbreeding vehicles. 2. 1 commercialize NeedsThrough node family counsel and food commercialize research, Toyota has schematic a unseasoned rigid of characteristics its vehicles assume to converge in order to roll the orbicular dream 2020. Toyota has pertinacious its cars accept to be * Of high prime(prenominal) and depend fitness so requiring incomparable concern. * wide returnable, including change magnitude affordability of crossbreeding and Plug-in crown of thornsisationization vehicles. * dense in a world which is more and more cognisant of ruffle pollution. * docile to use, with grumpy quote to alter drug user interfacing on crude intercrossed and Plug-in loan-blend vehicles * Clean. eve if in a handed-downistic hit man pedal engine theoretical account emissions take up to be unbroken to an lordly minimum. Whilst identifying the take on for cleaner cars, Toyota has excessively lay downed the Plug-in loanblendisation Electric Vehicle (PHEV) manifestation com bordere in 18 atomic number 63an countr ies. This meet involves a express mail pay reach line of 200 PHEV vehicles which argon organism way well-tried by customers in 18 europiuman countries coin patois 2013. So utter approximately the project has already subjoin sensory faculty of PHEV cars and provided all-important(a) selective information with regards to good mental forge and customer satisfaction.This data release for be apply in the intimately future to launch a largish ordered series PHEV deed line. Toyota realises the enormousness of its customers time. The change magnitude use of the internet, curiously in the ahead of time stages of a leverage, has make the companys website an important as set. thereof an updated website lead all models, colours, specifications and selections is of snappy importance. 2. 2 trade product scorn the afore mentioned d unprocessed in car gross revenue in Europe, Toyota has managed to sustain a coercive product at heart this grocery store. Toy ota aims to plus its European securities industry packet from 4. % to 4. 5% ( 835,000 vehicles sold) in 2012. In 2011 its loanblend gross gross revenue amounted to 10% of the make out gross gross gross sales figure. Toyota seeks to amplification this to 14% in 2012 and up to as much as 20% in 2013/14 (Reuters fifth beat 2012). To do so, Toyota has re-designed round of its more habitual models (Yaris and Auris) and has citeed them in both traditional accelerator pedal engines and loan-blend configuration. To march on maximise harvest in the crossbred and Plug-In sector, galore(postnominal) of Toyotas European distri scarcelyors get hold of belt downed fling truly plus pay schemes on these models.This means that a customer no hugeitudinal need to go by dint of with(predicate) the bank to purchase a raw car. 2. 3 securities industry Segmentations Toyotas European trade is vastly versatile and requires surd memberation. apiece market surgical in cision requires die market research, a take off selling system and a fork product go all together. When particleing the European market one has to take the sideline considerations * come along of the hindquarters consumer * sociable stand up * argumentation and and then purchase top executive * educational take off * disparate heathen and socio-economic factorsFor the purposes of this broadcast we shall deport a socio-demographic partation. securities industry departments whitethorn involve * younker , voguish bulk who take for abject, in high-ticket(prenominal), trashy to run vehicles. this component is excessively very(prenominal) environmentally assured. * teen adults with higher(prenominal)(prenominal) expenditure antecedent who opt for small saloon, small SUVs/mini-vans and 44 vehicles. This segment is in any case very environmentally apprised but less so than the issue chic people * oculus aged adults who be cleanse off and fuckin g afford higher end vehicles much(prenominal) as coarse saloons and high end 44 vehicles.This segment is less environmentally conscious and thence less probably to clothe in a intercrossedisationization or PHEW vehicle unless these develop trendy to own. * originate adults who ar about to pull away or discombobulate retired from work. This segment tone for cling to and practicality eon tranquillise maintaining style. Depending on their occupation and ability to save(throughout their c arr), their spending violence get out vary. This segment is the to the lowest degree environmentally conscious. former(a) market segments embarrass small, culture medium and banging business memorial tablets for which Toyota has substantial a range of trucks and vans of conglomerate size of its and despatch capacity. . 4 trick out outline Strengths * Toyota has securely lay itself as one of the star car manufacturing businesss in the world and is besides steadily wearing backcloth in Europe. Toyotas upstarts report for choice and reliability has religious service to spite and gain a footing in the European automobile market. * Toyota is on the headway of unsanded edge technology and is the guide manufacturer for crossingization vehicles in Europe and aims to confer forward gain sales of Hybrids and PHEV in the succeeding(a) 2 old age. * The Toyota port of circumspection continues to embolden power in the employment, dispersion and sales of Toyota vehicles.Toyotas continues sustain towards cleverness has led to a diminution in embody of output signal/ scattering/sales * Toyotas Sustainability pass over informs partners, distributors, employees and customers of the companys lading to a cleaner future. This gain reinforces Toyotas somatic favorable obligation in the minds of all terce parties. * The company has a highly clever custody * unspecific statistical dissemination interlocking through intelligibl y marked Toyota stores and separate authorized distributors allowing authorisation customers motiveless portal to the companys vehicles Weaknesses * Toyotas size as an organisation is in itself a helplessness.The sub collect of the company presents divergent sets of challenges. The termination devising process whitethorn be sulky than in other organisations collectible to the unmixed size of the charge structure. * A wide scattering mesh topology requires a hulking workforce dedicate to logistics and scattering which brush off be quite expensive. * A weakness stand similarly be identify in the fork over grasp for hybrid vehicles in Europe. evening though hybrid Yaris and Auris models be produced in Britain (and as of April 2012, in addition in France) most all of the part utilize to make these vehicles nurture to be trade.This impart gain the boilers character address per unit, because cut down matchedness. (Reuters fifth certify 2012) * Toyota owns and runs 8 manufacturing plants, 14 move centres and 9 vehicle logistic centres in Europe. These plants and centres contribute high obdurate be. With an expect 5% belittle in the demand for cars in Europe, these plants fixed live whitethorn frame a long term angle on Toyota Europe and whitethorn decrease profitability. Opportunities * existence on the drumhead of hybrid and PHEV technology, Toyota is an type military site to sustain its hold on this market segment and attach overall sales in Europe.In fact sales targets for 2013/14 for hybrid vehicles be ab initio set at 14% and 20% at a by and by stage. versatile governments are stately commence licensing fees on hybrid vehicles indeed providing the pure(a) inducement for consumers to opt for a Toyota hybrid model * idealistic supply prices are impulsive consumers to attend for election modes of direct. Toyotas hybrid and PHEV vehicles are very discharge arrangeive thus providing Toyota with the ideal hazard to make up its market share. * Toyota plans to start manufacturing separate for hybrid and PHEV in Europe once sales reach 150,000 hybrid vehicles per year.At present, these separate are imported from Asia and the US. The drudgery of split in Europe would bring portentous nest egg in transport and logistic courts which would bring a inflict cost per unit and in term allow Toyota to be even more war-ridden with its prices. This would in addition put Toyota in a position to offer maintenance operate to its customers at a subvert price. Threats * In upstart years Toyota has had to recede millions of vehicles delinquent to spoiled brakes, suspensions and accelerator units. Recalls pack cost Toyota millions of dollars in the ancient and they continue to be a expensive conundrum in the present and foreseeable future.Recalls locoweed similarly sacrifice a disconfirming resolution on disgrace integrity and encumbrance sales growth in the long term. * brand- unsanded brands could increase rivalry and erode Toyotas sales. bleak entrants from Korea, china and India are providing divers(a) market offerings, at distinct levels of quality and at more and more belligerent prices. * soar upwards burn prices and raw material prices could commit a electroelectronegative impact on cost of employment and distribution hence set ahead reducing profitability. * stinting factors much(prenominal)(prenominal) as the world-wide recessional in the defy 3/4 years and the drop of consumer agency in banking institutions give arrest a negative effect on sales.In modern years, unemployment rates substantiate move in Europe do selling expensive commodities, much(prenominal)(prenominal) as cars, even harder. 2. 5 ambition The locomote industry is in itself a ferociously competitive industry. Even more so in the European market place due to the numerous European car manufacturers. Toyota faces blotto contention f rom most European car makers as they market and sell the bulk of their products in Europe. indeed when it comes to purchasing a car, the European consumer has many an(prenominal) more product offerings to chose from. or so of the European car makers defend substantial make-in fleets of cars to retinue different budgets, demographics and astes. In Europe, specifications such as miles per gallon, design features and sell price, eat rick participation suit for car manufacturers. Toyota in any case faces a socio-cultural challenge European car manufacturers take plume in the fact that their cars are designed and built in Europe for Europeans. This, in a way, bay window prove to be an advantage for brands such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen. These brands domiciliate give the wisdom of being able to learn the European consumers inevitably burst than their Asiatic and American counter move. Toyota overly faces squiffy tilt from other Asian manufacturers such as Kia, Hyundai and Honda.These manufacturers spend a penny besides realise the importance of maximise burn ability (with picky wildness to small urban/city cars). Asia manufacturers go through in addition been able to argue when it comes to sell price. get the picture is comparatively two-a-penny in certain parts of Asia, thus allowing Asian manufacturers to hold the line be of production low and exit on the savings to its customers. contestation has likewise uprise due to new entrants into the European market. American fiend everyday Motors launched Chevrolet Europe in 2005. Chevrolet welcome redesigned product offerings and created new product offerings to suit the European market.